Reviews for History
Guest chapter 1 . 10/16/2012
Is there any way you could extend the scene? You're being a terrible tease...
bluecharlotte chapter 1 . 4/15/2012
I really liked this. You really stuck with the characters, and the way their conversation went was very believable. It's perfect how they're comfortable with each other but still don't know everything. Just very well written! :)
ChrisLover350 chapter 1 . 8/28/2011
Whoa! This gave me chills several times! You managed to write both Kurt and Blaine so convincingly, that I could actually "hear" them saying these lines, if that makes any sense at all! Great job!
ecobookworm chapter 1 . 6/16/2011
this is quite nice, i like how realistic it is and how they quiet down to work things out.
congotandsja chapter 1 . 4/13/2011
Awww, so sweet and hot and cute. I love their relationship - and I agree with your statement about exploring their sexual relationship - I want to see how far they're willing to go with a same gender couple. This is brilliant for a fic you just randomly thought up. I was laughing at certain points - mainly all of it.
betweenlife chapter 1 . 3/11/2011
Wow. Angry Kurt was great in this. Fantastic work!
ThisAccountWasHackedSoIChanged chapter 1 . 1/24/2011
I do agree with other reviewers and yourself in stating that other couples- including Brittany and Santana- have had more sexual scenes on the show. Blaine and Kurt were both in very good character and I also think that this is a very likely situation that could come up in lots of couples, not just homosexual ones (or course). I applaud you for writing on this certain topic, knowing how touchy it may be. No pun intended. Bravo.

-Charlie :)
sexypancake chapter 1 . 1/13/2011
Wow. This fic was really good! I loved Kurt's reaction to finding out Blaine snooped, and I thought their conversation about Blaine's other relationships was very thoughtful and honest. All in all, I enjoyed this fic more I was expecting, and would love to read more from you.

I also agree with your comments regarding whether or not the creators will allow Blaine and Kurt to explore more sexual options on the show, because literally every other couple has done something remotely sexy (except Mercedes, I guess). I strongly feel that just because they're a same-sex couple they shouldn't be denied the chance to get a little steamy, but at the same time, I have a stronger belief that the creators will fall back on the "Kurt is new to this, has had little experience, doesn't know Blaine that well, and shouldn't rush into an intimate relationship bla bla bla" card.

I hope things turn out well, and once again, thanks for writing such a good fic!
terrific chapter 1 . 1/12/2011
i really like this and i love how you are writing about the relationship as it is just starting out (physically that is), and i hope you continue on this story!
gleek4ever chapter 1 . 1/4/2011
This was really awsome and I totally agree with exploring their soon-to-be-relationship for Ryans sake he will get these two together or you won't be alone in wanting to kill him...ANNNDD If its not TOO much to ask can you PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE WRITE MORE? I really would like to know how everything works out for Klaine! -Blaine pout- :P
Kurtsie chapter 1 . 1/4/2011
wow...I kind of hope you're right. If these two eventually get together- sorry, what I MEANT WAS- WHEN these two get together (because it HAS to happen or I will shoot Ryan Murphey in the face), I hope that they do more than just kiss as well. Because they HAVE done that with every other couple. But, sadly, knowing how our society deals with same-sex ANYTHING, I have doubts that we will get to see with Klaine what we have seen with Finchel or Quam, or any other boring straight couplings. But if they do have sex, I hope it means something, something REALLY big. Anyways, awesome fic, I totally see Blaine waiting for Kurt to make the move because of what happened with Kerofsky, and I could see Kurt being terrified since he has no experience. I'm interested to learn more about Blaine's past and sincerely hope he isn't as perfect as he seems. Because I really think there's a lot more to Blaine than that meets the eye.

Wow...oops, got a bit off topic there. But the point is- I agree with everything you said in your ANs- and I really loved this fic! I think you handled the Klaine sex concept a LOT better than most authors do. Blaine and Kurt were SPOT. ON. Bravo!
sunnygyuu chapter 1 . 1/4/2011
I loved how in character they both are in this. It's so real, I could picture and hear everything in my head.

Stopping right before the good part...oh what a tease!

I really liked the story though! I want to read more
The.Right.Doctor chapter 1 . 1/3/2011
I really liked this story, it was sweet.

I also agree with you about hoping that their relationship is explored more on the show. Besides, they show Britney/Santana, so why can't they show Kurt/Blaine? Both are same-sex pairings, *and* Kurt/Blaine is a whole helluva lot cuter, in my opinion. :)

Good job with this!
kitsunechibiko chapter 1 . 1/3/2011
Wonderful! Let me tell you, I just came back from a HORRIBLE story, and I needed this! Very well written! Great ending! Cyoot and sexy! So much luv, honey!
castillo-mv chapter 1 . 1/3/2011
Fabulous story - good characterization, believable back story for Blaine and love that your Kurt is assertive too. Please more Klaine stories
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