Reviews for Lie To Me
Guest chapter 19 . 5/6/2016
I've been going back to the main series after Heroes Reborn and happened to stumble across this. Just to make it clear, I don't like Sylar/Claire. But after this, well, I'm going to have to reconsider. I've only seen a few authors who could make something I considered horrible amazing, and I think you're one of them.
GallonsoftheStuff chapter 19 . 9/2/2015
I actually really, really love this. There are issues I usually find with Sylaire fics that should have applied to Lie To Me, yet they were total NON-issues for some reason. You just... did the whole thing so well.

I'm very happy to have found and read this (very happy you WROTE it) - I would have reviewed it sooner, but FF has been very unfriendly toward my mobile lately. Should have thought of checking to see if I could review on my computer before now, but... well, live and learn and all that.

I like your characterization of Sylar/Gabriel and Claire - I REALLY like the theme of lying and your incorporation of Sylar/Gabriel's lie-detecting ability. Having a significant other with trust issues and then having that significant other come with a way to know when you're lying would be... hard. And yet, it works beautifully here.

(Claire giving up Noah, however temporarily, tortured my feels. I'm glad it worked out and that you added this last chapter.)

Really, this has wound up being one of my favorite Sylaire fics. Kudos!
Wanda Wilson chapter 19 . 9/13/2014
OMG. This story was so freaking awesome *melts into a puddle of happy*
Kitana Mayo chapter 19 . 6/14/2014
love your story very well written
KraZiiePyrozHavemoreFun chapter 19 . 6/8/2014
That was great
J's Royal King chapter 19 . 5/12/2014
Cutest ending ever:D
jennannxo chapter 19 . 12/11/2013
Just finished your story and I can't tell you how terrific it was! Though some parts were a bit hard to keep up with since you did some jumping around, I was still so into it. I haven't yet finished the show (I know, I'm so late) but I could definitely see this being part of the storyline :) Thanks for writing!
infinitesunrises chapter 19 . 11/2/2012
Wow I just read this story in one sitting. I absolutely adored it! If there was a way season 5 should've been, it should have been the way it was handles in your story. I hope you write another story. (Although a sequel that happens way later into the future would be more interesting!) anyway, you're an amazing writer. I was sucked into the story from the start and I couldn't put my phone down while I read this. The only criticism I have is that you wrote in a lot of what happened during seasons 3 and 4. I felt like maybe you should've not written so much on it since most of us saw the episodes. Besides that, I adored this story and I hope to reread it in the future once it's not so fresh in my mind! :)
TwoSoulsEntwined chapter 19 . 10/23/2012
Can't tell you what a pleasure it was to read this story. Well written and smooth storyline- I LOVE every bit of it!
MinakoTrickster chapter 19 . 10/10/2012
I love the creativity in this peice, you give us unseen moments and the what could have beens that we never got to see on camera and I love that. I love how you made it all come together in a way that I could have easily seen happening if we were ever given evidence of it and if not, well that is what we have this site for.

The story was wonderfully detailed, a few typos but not enough to detract from the excellent piece I have found to favorite. Thank you for this and I would love to read more like this from you.
Purple Lex chapter 19 . 8/22/2012
Simply beautiful.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/5/2012
This story has over 15 chapters...
Best. Surprise. EVER.
Baby.Bunny418 chapter 19 . 7/19/2012
It was a sweet ending. Have a fantastic week. )
Jordyn chapter 19 . 6/24/2012
This is by far the BEST Sylaire fanfiction I have ever read. Thank you for writing a beautiful story. Although I would love for this story to continue I am content with how it ended; something that doesn't occur often. I hope you continue writing because you're amazing at it. Best of luck with all that you do!
Alarynia chapter 19 . 5/27/2012
I can't tell you just how much I adored this. :D
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