Reviews for Its okay to be different
PlayElli chapter 19 . 6/19/2011
this was so adorable and fun to read! X3

i have been searching for a fanfic of them as kids! such a great story CX u have made my day lol
Myschizophrenia chapter 19 . 1/23/2011
Now we are two spanish girls talking in English xD Did you see? You're great 'cause we can reed without any problem~

OMG, it was so beautiful! wonderful! I love them and I love your fanfic. The end was so sweet, nice, everything!

You're awesome :'D Thank you so much for writing it. I will miss waiting for new chapters, but anyway we have your other story (:
Orchestra-Eight chapter 20 . 1/21/2011
! :')
Gabriela Barton chapter 20 . 1/21/2011
YOU ARE SO COOL! :DDDD I really really enjoyed your fic, I'm so happy, it had a perfect ending and I could understand EVERYTHING (I'm spanish and English is not my best subject xD) so I really liked it a lot... it was amazing, awesome :D THANKS A LOT! ! ! Really! :D
sydg813 chapter 20 . 1/21/2011
AWWWWWWW! That was SO CUTE! I'm sad its over, but it was great while it lasted! :)

Can't wait for more from you!
Gleek90 chapter 20 . 1/20/2011
I am so sad to see this come to an end, this was one of the sweetest fics I have ever read. I am so happy that it ended on such a lovely note, thank you for doing such a fantastic job writing this. This one I will read and re-read over and over again!
tammy lynnea chapter 20 . 1/20/2011
Please don't have it end already! This chapter was so sweet and loving...made me cry. I want to know what happens to them next and their future.
Would've0Could've0Should've chapter 20 . 1/20/2011
That was so adorable :) even though i just found it yesterday it was love. Just mames me want to squeel and hug them so much :D wonderful Job just capturingthem and really brilliant writing overall!

Very well done and believable!

jekyllhj7 chapter 20 . 1/20/2011
Sad that its the end... but what a ride!

Awesome story!
Whooo chapter 20 . 1/20/2011
I love it! Sad it's over...
ajp2281 chapter 20 . 1/20/2011
thank you for a wonderful set of short storied they have been brilliant
Myschizophrenia chapter 18 . 1/19/2011
OMG,I didn't expected this! the football team... Hahaha, I loved it~ Karofsky is comming out of the closet! Kurt&Karofskyyy, absolutely lovely!

Nooo, the last chapter? Wow.. It's so sad, but well, I'll see your new story then :D

You're great, thank you for writing it!
Gleek90 chapter 19 . 1/19/2011
GAH! You tricked me! *BOO HOO*
Guest chapter 18 . 1/19/2011
Well Finn and puck not really shocked since glee has been around and there not so heartless anymore well puck anyway buy azimo and the rest of the football team well I guess there being mature oh and yay finally their together
Jhyena aj jax chapter 17 . 1/19/2011
Oh damn these kill joys
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