Reviews for Unintended
Guest chapter 1 . 12/30/2014
This is... fantastically touching :') As in seriously, twisted my heart and made me teary eyed. Oh do more! A sequel to this perhapss
Aquos35 chapter 1 . 7/8/2013
This a great story :) Mind doing a sequel?
egoshipper246 chapter 1 . 6/19/2013
Loved it!(: Very cute :3 I love how it started with her hating him. There's a thin line between love and hate(; I also like how you didn't have her immediately love Gary. Like how she said that was a mistake and it shouldn't have happened. But then she realized she's crazy because c'mon, that's Gary Oak! Haha great job!
MagCat chapter 1 . 1/20/2013
Hi! So, I found this fic. some time ago, but have only now gotten the chance to review it properly.

First off, this story is magnificent! I love how you portray Misty and Gary as more mature than the anime does while keeping a number of traits that make them both so knowable and loved. Misty's fiery temper and reluctance to really trust in someone 100% and Gary's arrogance (though much toned down since the Indigo League) and his need to try to remain a loner yet stay involved in life are both on display. Gary's disdain over his fame and their bantering that turned friendly and even suggestive were really nice touches that truly brought the characters to life, even on a plane in the air. ;P

Gary's offer of a ride home was a move that totally threw Misty for a loop, but really showed her that he had changed and matured since she'd last seen him, and his willingness to stick with her even when she's being stubborn was a different side to the man that Misty's always associated as being arrogant and egotistic. His gestures of comforting her about her break-up with Ash, and then willingness to stop when Misty's says also show Misty that there's more to this man than meets the eye.

Finally, Misty's confusion about what to do with her life post-return to Cerulean were extremely well done. Her sisters' willingness to aid her in any way possible showed how much closer the family has grown since Misty first returned to Cerulean post-Silver Conference/Johto. Then, the journey. Misty's decision to go find Gary and see where the (possible) relationship could go and her continuing confusion and reluctance to try something so far outside of her comfort zone were so well-written that I felt as if I was walking alongside her on the beach and into the cove, finding Gary waiting and willing to take his time in discovering what may lie between them. I loved the ending. Any chance of a sequel by chance?

Keep writing, and I can't wait to see more Egoshipping from you!

Soldier Warrior chapter 1 . 10/17/2012
I love your fic!
btbtbtbt chapter 1 . 2/18/2012
I just love Egoshipping :D Misty and Gary have the same wit nad they are great together :D this was great by the way please write more Egoshipping
The Cowardly Mechanic chapter 1 . 1/10/2012
wow! i have to say i'm not usually a misty and gary fan but your story was well written and i really loved it! great job! :)
Crissytje chapter 1 . 10/31/2011
Waw for you're first egoship, you did brilliantly well:p the plot was nicely developed, I absolutely loved their banter, so in character. Misty's feelings were very well described and nothing was rushed. Gary was sexy as hell. I would say really good job:p I really like your way of writing:)
riku chapter 1 . 8/18/2011
i love it i love it i love it it is cute o and i love it
the-writing-vampire chapter 1 . 4/4/2011
I find your story good. It goes through the entire Misty/Gary encounter moments that are important to the story. And any details that could be important to the story but not vital are explained breifly with only the needed details. A great way to bring readers in, have them be curious to what is going on, and satisfied in the end. Ok, is this really me talking here? Normally, I'd be wondering what Ash actually said to break up with her (which is a minor detail in the long run) and here I am saying that I like that you kept that vague and didn't give us the details on that beyond what you did. I'm finding it a compination of lack of sleep (which I need to go to bed as it's 2 am) and knowing that it would just be a way of dragging the story and authors and readers don't want that.
Raquenzel chapter 1 . 3/23/2011
That was great-seriously!
Rozozzy chapter 1 . 3/14/2011

It was bit difficult with the constant switching of feelings...from Misty to Gary etc, but you did really well. It was gradual, and I liked it. :DDD
aoisenshi chapter 1 . 2/27/2011
Ahh adorable! So adorable! ** Amazing story! 3
Shadowolf chapter 1 . 2/1/2011
This is a most excellent story and very entertaining read.
Pratik Roy chapter 1 . 1/25/2011
Pratik: So how did you feel? You like it right?

Chicho: Yes, Appearently. But you can't also deny the same fact now, can you?

Pratik: Who's denying I'm not. But the only one really can is you.

Chicho: Like you know me.

Pratik: Honestly, I do know you. Don't forget you are my imaginary friend.

Chicho: Hah! Like I care. Now stop giving me sad looks and do something useful.

Pratik: And what would that be?

Chicho: So looks like I might have to reveal some secrets about your personal life.

Pratik(Frowning): No please don't do it. I'll behave from now on. I was just hoping you will say those words for me what I wanted to say

Chicho: Stop babbling random things and get to the point, before I snap and do something I might regret later.

Pratik: Oops! Sorry, What I wanted to say was this is a great story and thank you for writing such an awesome story and I want more on Egoshipping like this from you. And there's more I will certainly not bringing any Imaginary friends with me next time.

Chicho: Like you can, if i want I will stay with you and if not then i'll do otherwise. Got it you more on.

Pratik: Do I have a choice in here?

Chucho: Now come on stop waisting time with this, you have a cochin center to attend to, before mom shaps at you.

Pratik: I'm coming, let me say good bye first. Good Bye
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