Reviews for Modern Man
merlin chapter 3 . 3/30/2012
I really like your story you've been able to keep true to the characters, can't wait for you to update.
Guest chapter 3 . 3/29/2012
kokoronagomu chapter 3 . 3/28/2012
it seems like after all is over that they'll both be winners love when they're playful together.
kokoronagomu chapter 2 . 3/27/2012
that was cute, in his own unique subtle way he was expressing how precious she was. sweet!
kokoronagomu chapter 1 . 3/27/2012
youtu. be/RYzcxUshh6E

fundoshi was worn long before the sengoku jidai (warring states era) and inuyasha would likely be wearing one.

being chemically sensitive scents like perfumes and even detergent in the air of the grocery store would trigger a major migraine for me. i guess for inuyasha it's a lot better than the smell of ink.

loved the certainty that inuyasha answered her with... he loves her scent so maybe he's glad she doesn't usually cover it up with those artificial scents.
AM78 chapter 1 . 3/27/2012
Good start. Some of the funniest parts of the series and manga involved Inuyasha's antics in the modern world, so this has some real potential. I liked the events of the first chapter and could easily see them playing out that way if Inuyasha were to go to such a place. Kagome really should have known better if she wanted to avoid such an awkward situation.
guest chapter 3 . 3/27/2012
m0ar plzzzz!
Guest chapter 3 . 3/27/2012
finally an update! took you long enough :p i liked hearing inu's side. update soon!
Lovette chapter 2 . 5/22/2011
The stories are so light and sweet :) Makes me happy when I read them. Do update soon!
wishIwereanime chapter 2 . 2/21/2011
Please update soon! :) :D :)
MelancholyMadness chapter 2 . 1/28/2011
Hehe that was cute! I can't wait for the next chapter... Cause it'd better be coming!
elementBLUE chapter 1 . 1/21/2011
hello hello! It's been ages, so I'm not sure if you remember me much, but omg you're back/I've missed you. :) That aside, I love this new fic. Inuyasha meets modern lingerie has to be the most priceless image ever, lmao. LOL: "What kind of store sells nets these small?" I cracked up so hard~
xGuiltyPleasures chapter 2 . 1/20/2011
ASDKSADFKJ. The thing he pulled with the safe and keeping her in there was so cute! In the most Inuyasha-like, uncorniest way ever.
XamemegamiX chapter 2 . 1/18/2011
OMG! Both of those chapters were insanely cute and the first one was so hilarious! I love how canon you kept both Kagome and Inuyasha, and the way you is like I can see it happening right before my eyes. Great job! I cannot wait for the next chapter!
VioletCrush chapter 2 . 1/18/2011
Yay another adorable chappie! That was really funny too with what Inuyasha was attempting to do. Haha! And he pick-pocketed Kagome! Sweet. Can't wait for the next update )
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