Reviews for Lines
Guest chapter 1 . 11/13/2012
Really great story, I just love ROMY so much and is in character for them :D
P.S. I love Spike too :D
RayenOfDeadStarsAndPlanets chapter 1 . 3/30/2012
Ace-of-Cyberspace13 chapter 1 . 1/11/2011
OMG! ! LOVE! Yup, that about sums it up.

aecul chapter 1 . 1/11/2011
Gasp. That was sooo cute! It was gorgeous! I love little Rogue and Remy! And their first kiss! Awww! That was my favorite part. I really liked the Cajun spices/watermelon wine description. (Lots of exclamation points in this review, lol.)But that made me so happy! I loved the ending too. I didn't notice any real plot holes (I mean, it's an AU. Some things are going to be different) and it was way better than okay. :) Wonderful job.
Fire Makes Me Smile chapter 1 . 1/11/2011
this is a really cute story, but any kind of non-alcoholic wine (even the watermelon kind) is a waste of time. :P

jk, I don't really drink a lot of it anyways.

but again, cute story, like it
ithinkimaninja chapter 1 . 1/11/2011
cue the mindless awwwwwwww, haha anyways u should do a continuation (did i spell that right? my grammer is my weakest link.) of this, and of course keep doing social status. but i do have a question in social status rogue and remy were stealing (two thumbs up for morals D) so was rogue taught by the theives guild as well?
TheBlueFoxtrot A Samba chapter 1 . 1/11/2011
Plot-holey. I'm sure those abound in SGIH.

It was cute. So they're 12 when they get together? I bet Tante gets it. Tante knows all.
octobertown chapter 1 . 1/11/2011
Tellement cute , oui.

Nice handling; different narrative. (The watermelon-wine reference went sailing over my head) but otherwise enjoyable.

Nice work. :)
PyrusAngel chapter 1 . 1/11/2011
HAHAHAHA I'm confused but I liked it 3 it was funny & I wish i had a Remy-ish person...Oh Well I'll be happy once I get one! Can't wait for more!
New Dawn Rising chapter 1 . 1/10/2011
Hehe, cute AU, refreshingly swamp-witch free! I love how they were always attempting to injure each other.
blackberryhunttress chapter 1 . 1/10/2011
Okay, it's official. I inspire the Awesome. Ha, but no, seriously, I loved it!

Have you ever seen The Swan Princess? When they started hating eachother when they were like five, my mind instantly flashed to 'Awww!' and this movie. They hated eachother for forever in that movie, but I really liked how YOUR story developed into, 'I don't really hate him/her, it's just a matter of time till I realize it.'

It was just too cute. And it included stalking! I approve! I loved how the 'sparks' actually flew at the end too. And clueless Henri, that just speaks for itself.

Rogue's whole description of what she wanted to do, and then Remy calling her Chere... It was just perfect. I couldn't think of a better way to write it.

By the way, I am so clueless. I have absolutely NO idea who the stalker is now. But I blame my brother, he's making me brain dead.

TTFN! (Ta Ta for Now!) -Peace, Blackberry ;)
0o0-The-Melodious-Nocturne-0o0 chapter 1 . 1/10/2011
Okay first off, trying to type a review and eat chocolate cake SO not my best moment!

lol anywho, Adorable! I'm imagining itty bitty Rems and Rogue having a full on hair pulling, name calling war. It's very amusing. :) I like it. :)

Any chance your going to do a when Romy met John story? I'd love to read about that. :) Or will it be mentioned in Social Status?

Seriously lovely though! Please, keep up the good work! ;)