Reviews for Yet Another Story
Guest chapter 26 . 10/24/2017
Please come back to us.. Ne? Lets finish this wonderful story.. Think of all the fans here who are still waiting for you to complete this story. Were not just a Fushigi Yuugi fans here.. Were not just Yuu Watase fans either.. We are your fans too. Thank you Purple-Mouch Chan. :) Peace Out! - Nuribabe 3
Guest chapter 26 . 10/6/2017
Please... coma back to us and finish this wonderful story.. I really do admire the way you tell their stories and adventures, as a communication arts students I often get easily bored at reading lame stories that's why I look for this kind of wonderful piece to encourage me to read or look for more like this. Well as a Huge "FushugiYuugi" Fan, this Fic is a Blessing that the Four Gods gave us.. so let's continue their stories.. yes? Yes! sorry.. I'm a bit talkative you know. Yeah just a little bit! Thanks! - Joey.
greenteeks chapter 26 . 1/4/2016
yaaaay first review of 2016 begging you to come back 3
CDR. Grae chapter 25 . 4/2/2015
CDR. Grae chapter 26 . 4/2/2015
Please! Come back! Don't abandon this story! DON'T! I love it too much! Please no! And you even stuck this with a terrible cliffhanger! The hell?! Are you really trying to murder me?!

Please continue this! It's the best! All your characters are spot on and adorable! (But others are still a bit OOC) And I love your version of Nuriko! So sappy, so huggable, so naive and cute, (though she IS still a bit of a cry baby) but I still love her! But for some reason, I love to torture my favorite characters, so that near rape scene with Chuin and the scene with Miboshi is HIGHLY appreciated! *flashes peace sign* It really gave me the feels and made me wonder how I would react if THAT happened to me. *shudders* But I'm a bit disappointed when Miboshi didn't get to turn Nuriko evil. That would've been a major plot twist. I could imagine a lot of intense scenes happening if it DID happen. (Maybe you could make up for it? Turn Nuriko evil when they're already inside Miboshi's lair. It would REALLY be a major plot twist if they find out that Ryuuen was possessed the whole time and that Houjun didn't sense it because Ryuuen didn't too or something. Maybe Miboshi knows the whole time that Ryuuen wasn't evil and that Ryuuen's the one who was tricked, not him. Ryuuen's evil self could suddenly emerge and wreck havoc and Sai and Houjun would be so hurt and guilty because they fell for the trap and didn't sense it right away. Please do that! It would be so ridiculously awesome! I also hope that the final battle would happen outside in the real world and not in Miboshi's bubble lair or something. That way, all the seishi could be involved! That would be the coolest ever! Please add those scenes I requested. Trust me, people would like it! (Not just me) :)

I love the whole road trip thing. (Kinda makes me think about Paper Towns. You've heard of it?) I also loved the scene with Nuriko and Chichiri-the-Fly. And also any scene with Genrou in them. I swear, that guy's hilarious. His use of expletives in every situation is funny and a bit witty. And also his reactions whenever Ryuuen is near danger... AWWW I REALLY WANNA HUG HIM! HE CARES TOO MUCH, SECRET SAP! Love that guy!

But I'm a bit disappointed over the lack of Seiryuu seishi screen time. Whatever happened to Amiboshi and Suboshi? Didn't they even ask questions or didn't Suboshi even thanked Ryuuen for saving him from almost becoming Miboshi-toast back then? Come on, the twins are the next best thing! Ayuru and Chuin already had almost the whole story, it's time for the twins! *strikes victory pose* hehe... whatever... (I swear, your Nuriko infected me with his crazy thoughts!)

Please update soon! You told us you wouldn't even think of abandoning it! Why, it's been almost 7 years! You should update that story with Mitsukake in a hospital too! (Forgot the title) I love your Ryuuen there (I'm willing to bet that the doctor who assaulted him is Chuin), and your Houjun also kicks ass! (I would have laughed in that scene where he brandishes an IV stand as a replacement for his staff if it weren't so serious) Sorry, kinda getting off track...

Eternally Exhausted chapter 26 . 3/15/2012
I find it rather sad that you promised never to leave your stories unfinished, and here we are 9 years later, without a single update in all that time. Are you even still alive?
Toma chapter 26 . 4/24/2011
I miss this story :(
Key and WolfStar-SCA chapter 26 . 3/21/2011
Alright. So I have read this story to the entirity that it has been writen to. And while the characters did not have the characterisation that I personally give them, they remained in character to what you gave them and their actions made sence the whole story long, so good for you. I was willing to say the changes were due to dealing with new reincarnations rather than the familiar old seishi that I had loved from the series. Which is perfectly ok. Probably the thing I missed the most was Ryuuen not having Nuriko's "go get'em" personality and confidence.

As for PoV, thank you for not randomly switching at annoying moments between different people's first person perspective. Though there were moments where I would have loved a chance to see into someone else's head, if a writer chooses first person then it's important they stick with the same person the whole way through. Otherwise they ought to just go with third person and skim through everyone's thoughts.

I like how you're mixing in the other seishi in this story, and showing them all building different relationships with each other then what they had in the book, going off the nature vs nurture debate, but I got to question why as they remember themselves the seishi don't automatically hone back in to their old friendships? Like that Chiriko had been so very close to Tasuki and looked at him like an older brother/role modle... (I mean, Tasuki even was the one always holding baby-Chiriko in the 3rd OAV. And if that's not proof the bandit has a serious soft spot for him, I don't know what is...) Also, I don't really think Miaka would be glomping Ayuru and tagging "-chan" on to the end of his name after only knowing him for a day. I don't think "-chan" would be tagged on to him at any point, actually, seeing as he's supposed to be ~10 years older than them and everyone's living in the states... Going from the US side of things, no one would have a reason to plug a suffix on his name, and the Japanese side of things would make "respect athority/elders" and "politeness above all else" cause it to be "-san" for the vast majority of them with maybe a "-kun" for those esspecially affectionate.

There are some other small things that rubbed me a little wrong over the course of the story, but they aren't drastic enough for me to make a fuss over it. There's also a lot of things that I absolutely loved (or else I wouldn't have bothered reading both fics to their entirety) and find it a shame that you stopped so close to what appears to be the end of the tale, but at the same time I understand that life moves on and things get in the way and old interests wane. It would probably be rather hard after nearing ten years to come back and write the completion of the story, but if it *is* in you it would be nice to see the end. Or maybe even just an authors note explaining to the readers what the ending would have been in summery format just to obtain that feeling of completion in knowing how everything ends. As it sits now, the blaring questions of "do they all make it out alive?", "How does Soi and her infatuation effect the Nagako/Tomo situation Nuriko is building?", "Do they ever find the rest of the 28 seishi?", "What ever happened to Ashitare, anyway?", "Is Chiriko EVER going to get the screnetime he desreves?", etc.. are left unanswered.

One thing I ought to ask is why no one went and picked up Yui? As the miko, and as someone that is needed by Miboshi, and as someone on Suzaku's side who knows all the seishi and who they are loyal to and who it's the duty of to find all the Seiryuu seishi and will therefore have them gather to her... why was she left unattended and on her own for the whole story? Did you just not think of it? Were you uncomfortable writing her character?

umm... yeah, I'm going to end it there and not worry about continuing on the rant.

shade and sweet water

Key and WolfStar-SCA chapter 17 . 3/20/2011
Oh my god. I hardly ever review mid-story like this, especially not for old fics like this one, but seriously this chapter had me laying on the floor laughing myself to tears. Yay for Tama's return! Seriously that cat doesn't get enough love in fanfiction. I think my dorm mates are rather disturbed about my sanity now, but that's alright I don't overly like them anyway.

You write wonderful stories, by the way.

Shade and Sweet Water

Marikalay chapter 26 . 12/27/2010
I'm really sorry to see that this one hasn't been finished or added to in so long. Your style throughout this story and it's prequel has been extremely engaging and I've really been enjoying myself reading them.

At any rate, I'm marking the story anyway because it's brilliant and I believe that a chapter update on a story of this caliber is worth waiting for, even if it hasn't been updated in seven years.

Thank you for your hard work.
Marikalay chapter 17 . 12/27/2010
That was wicked hilarious! The Cat! OMG! Of all the people they could have run into, it was the cat, reincarnated as a person!


I'm laughing so hard at this point that I can barely see straight.
JustDanny chapter 26 . 5/6/2010
Just too bad you've decided not to continue... I loved it; I laughed so much!
He-Yan chapter 26 . 9/13/2009


Nuri-chan has been portrayed immensely in this I am uber impressed and even tho reading it for a second time still loving it... will most likely be back in a year or so cursing you for the lack of an ending AGAIN!

Violinist Hamel chapter 1 . 4/4/2009
I miss this story, v.v
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