Reviews for The Harmonica High Bet
Professor of Gallifrey chapter 1 . 1/19/2017
still love this story
Professor of Gallifrey chapter 22 . 11/29/2015
this was adorable. I shall go read the sequel right now!
candycake313 chapter 20 . 8/31/2012
i love how chase won but doesnt get a girl, and luke and gill have dates but have to wear julius clothes. Pure awesomeness.
candycake313 chapter 19 . 8/31/2012
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwww poor chase!i like gill and all but chase is the most awesomest awesome person in harvest moon (besides luke) and ORANGES ROCK SO MUCH! BEST. FRUIT. EVER. ya thats basically the reason i love chase and hes so bitter! i love sarcastic bitter funny chef guys.
candycake313 chapter 5 . 8/30/2012
i love your stories! your my favorite author on fanfic!
Ginger the Espeon chapter 15 . 7/29/2012
oh snap! i cried a little... but then again I'm listening to Pokemon MD I don't want 2 say good bye while reading this
Ginger the Espeon chapter 7 . 7/29/2012
(lol) he thinks his own father's creepy lol
StephanoAtlas chapter 21 . 6/16/2012
This was really good! A must read and I am planning to read the sequel. I do a have some complaints. Two actualy. 1: you need to be more careful with grammar and spelling. I know it is minor, but it really does reduce the value. 2: you didn't have Chase very snarky. The main thing I like about romances involving Chase is how he is a complete jerk and slowly warms up to the bachelorette. Thank you for your fanfic contribution! It really was a good one. :)
HersheyChocolates101 chapter 22 . 1/2/2012

A title? Hmmm... I looked to see what other people came up with this story. I like The Harmonica JUNIOR High Bet idea. XD XD It's funny!

I have no creativity, but...maybe you could call, something? I don't know...I'll PM you after voting. Really hilarious story though, it'd make a good movie! :D
filipinochick chapter 22 . 12/22/2011
I can't wait! XD XD 3
spacealiens chapter 22 . 12/22/2011
OH BOY! THE SEQUEL! :D You're gonna post it the day before my birthday, which is January 13! And you made one mistake with the date...Wouldn't it be January 12, 2012? And thank you for the respect. No one gives me any. And the whole thing wasn't that boring. It got me REALLY psyched for the sequel! I can't wait!

Peace! -Kat
MidnightxMusic chapter 22 . 12/22/2011
Dear, when I saw that you updated this, it made my heart stop.

Then I saw that this was an Author's Note.

But...awwww, that's so long. D: I can tell that it's going to be worth the wait, though. :D

A title could be, "Our Life After"?

Dang, I'm bad at titles. xD Don't ask me.
PanicChord chapter 21 . 8/20/2011
I guess I do feel bad for chase but.. theres a sequel so its all good! :D
HersheyChocolates101 chapter 21 . 8/18/2011
Im regretting not reviewing earlier... Sory bout that.

This story was wonderful. I cant wait to see what happens with maya and chase!

Dont worry bout ur sequel plot. Just write and itll cum to u. I bet u hav somethng in mnd by now. Good luck n keep writin. Sorry for my horrible english im usulally strict bout it
HersheyChocolates101 chapter 2 . 8/18/2011
I was laughing so hard at this. Gill, Chase and Luke are like brothers. Legit brothers. Luke is kinda living proof that a human can live without a brain
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