Reviews for Can I Stay?
Guest chapter 1 . 6/24/2015
Any sequel to this? They could be BFFs or more . it was a nice story.
garnmcgaughn chapter 1 . 2/3/2015
Great friendship story really well done and could defiantly see more coming of this for sure. One odd spot was she she left her house she mentioned the rain on her windshield so I thought she drove but was like no she's jogging.
lovering chapter 1 . 10/30/2011
gogoless chapter 1 . 9/22/2011
i loved it!
umbrellaleg chapter 1 . 1/16/2011
Awwww. This was such a sweet story... (Rachel is such a mum :P)
Vera Roberts chapter 1 . 1/13/2011
I think the one thing I really love about this story is how descriptive it is. You should really take up screen-writing classes.

I personally can't imagine the angst and emotional turmoil of being pregnant, feeling every kick and movement and then give the baby up for adoption. Albeit, it might be the right choice but it doesn't make it any easier than the other options.

I love the conversation between Quinn and Rachel. They're both leaning on each other for support but are still hurting in numerous ways. Maybe I've been watching too much Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant but I do get the feeling when teens get pregnant, a lot of their friends abandon them because they don't know how to act or incorporate them into their world. It's nice to see Quinn has a friend in Rachel. I love how it went from this tense meeting to a burgeoning friendship at the end of the chapter.

Touching on my earlier point, you should really consider a screen-writing course. You have a knack for description and setting the scene.
ThankGravity chapter 1 . 1/12/2011
I could ramble on, and give every synonym but nothing really expresses it better than just the one word, beautiful.
msgalinda chapter 1 . 1/12/2011
This is beautiful.
kaymarie35 chapter 1 . 1/12/2011
Awwww love it!
Jodi chapter 1 . 1/12/2011
I love you. So, yeah, I utterly adored this. I really did. I loved thw writing style, I was just, ugh, so damn good and I was like wow, can I have her skills please?

The night gown imagery was so depressing, I was all sad, because it fit and it didn't stretch and it would have if Beth were there and it was like, it shouldn't have fit because Quinn's life didn't fit.

And her conversation with her mom? That was great, and in those few moments, you could tell that Quinn would have been a better mother to Beth than Judy had ever been to Quinn, because she missed the daughter she only had for close to nine months, than the daughter Judy had for sixteen years.

The missing 'arm' and then gaining a 'pinky' thing was like depressing, because even if she got something small back, she's always going to be missing something huge and no matter how hard she tries, it's not going to fill the hole that Beth left.

Of course Rachel was the only one who understood, she's in the same position, only she's the daughter, not the mother. I'm glad Quinn knew who to turn too.

This was amazing and you made me go wow. Never stop writing.