Reviews for Temper, Temper
The Fallen Empress chapter 10 . 5/11/2014
This was amazinnggg. Good job.
Hr'awkryn chapter 10 . 5/17/2013
This is probably one of the best Zevran fics ever. It is certainly my favorite! You're a great writer. I think Zevran's struggle is captured perfectly and I love the symmetry between him and the Warden, who is ridiculously awesome. There is a reason people pick one another, and this story was a great representation of that. I can't say enough about how much I loved it! Thrilling and a wonderful, sensual take on love with Zevran.
lovehfilms chapter 5 . 12/31/2012
one of the best fan fics with zevran that ive read. you portary him very good and im glad that you dont ignore the darker side of his DONE
silverdragon0315 chapter 10 . 2/3/2012
tehehehehehehe i loved this story so very much thanks for writing it keep up the good work :D
Ja ne Kat chapter 10 . 1/6/2012
Very believable. i do like this, though i can't claim to understand it. meh and i love the ending, too bad that DAII kinda ruins it. although i guess he could be doing business without her. }
zeldamaddie chapter 10 . 6/7/2011
I must say, as tried and ready to pass out as I am, I have sat down and read through your entire fic in one sitting and I have absolutely loved every second of it. I almost didn't click on it because I wasn't really looking for anything over a few chapters (as I said, tired xD), but it looked really interesting. So I clicked. And I'm so glad I did. Your writing is brilliant, you explain Zevran's demons so well, as well as those of the Tabris Warden. Also, I would like to say that your Fynnea is very much like my current Tabris warden, or at least, how I envision her. :) Anyways, I love it very much, and I have to thank you for introducing me to Florence The Machine before I end this review, because I've been listening to her music on repeat ever since I saw your little note about I'm Not Calling You a Liar. I had never listened to her before and I think she may end up on my "Most Played" playlist on iTunes soon. xD Thank you for the music introduction and thank you for the lovely fic. I can't wait see what else you come up with because your writing is absolutely brilliant. Happy plotting and happy gaming. :)
Arselbengt chapter 10 . 5/20/2011
This is one of the best Dragon Age stories I've read.
That One Angry Hobbit chapter 10 . 2/25/2011
absolutely loved it, beginning to end!
That One Angry Hobbit chapter 9 . 2/25/2011
that was quite beautiful
That One Angry Hobbit chapter 8 . 2/25/2011
absolutely loved it
That One Angry Hobbit chapter 7 . 2/25/2011
I love how they are finally opening up to each other
That One Angry Hobbit chapter 6 . 2/25/2011
aw, he admitted it :-)
That One Angry Hobbit chapter 5 . 2/25/2011
very nice
That One Angry Hobbit chapter 4 . 2/25/2011
I like this Warden, she is insane
That One Angry Hobbit chapter 3 . 2/25/2011
I like your approach to Zev
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