Reviews for Keeping it Together
lacey108 chapter 14 . 4/10
hanging on... hope you decide to finish!
meghan.oconnor2426 chapter 14 . 3/17
update please
gottoluvme11 chapter 14 . 6/19/2019
I really like this story I hope you come back and update it.
Moonchild1990 chapter 14 . 10/19/2015
I'm dying for an update please come back to this
CrazyCaz chapter 14 . 9/2/2015
OMG. PLEASE UPDATE SOON. THAT WAS SO INTENSE! also I hope the kids find out more about the secret puck is hiding! I love my Puckleberry. I hate Jesse so much I want to kill him
shonnia chapter 14 . 12/9/2013
Fantastic update.

I'm at the point where I'm totally ready to knock Puck and Rachel heads together...

I seriously hate Jessie. He's messing with a family and that is never cool. How can Rachel not see him manipulating her?

I love how proud Puck and the kids are of Rachel. They are definitely her biggest fans.

I do not appreciate Ava jumping into Puckleberry's marriage. There's being supportive and then there's overstepping the boundaries.

It sucks that Rach is missing so much. Caleb getting two solos, Sarah taking up dance, Puck and his promotion.

Puck and the kids road tripping to Chicago so that they could share the first night of Hanukkah together like a family was perfect.

Rachel really should have talked to Puck first before she went looking at schools in New York. I hate that she used the word mistake in regards to getting pregnant in college. I'm just really glad Caleb didn't overhear it.

Puck has got to calm down and listen to his wife. She might not say things he likes but at least he'll know where he stands.

Question: Don't remember if this has been mentioned but does Rachel know that Puck is seeing Beth?

Can't wait for more.
polarpi chapter 14 . 12/7/2013
I'm going to trust you, but boy was that chapter hard to read! Looking forward to seeing how they get out of this mess!
Vivi H88 chapter 14 . 12/1/2013
Rachel is a bitch :/
Poor Noah i think he is right...
Great Story:)can't wait till the next chapter
Guest chapter 14 . 11/30/2013
I love Puckleberry and want them to be happy together both as a couple and a family. That being said-Rachel sucks as a wife and mother right now. Who cares if she can sing or act when she is being so shitty in her personal life. I'd like to know what Rachel's dads think of this? I'd like to see them actually ream her out about her current behavior and tell her that they are ashamed of the way she's been both hiding and turning her back on her family. I'd also like them to admit to her that they are ashamed of their parenting of her-that they spoiled her so much and emphasized Broadway and success so much that her values and priorities have been really warped and skewed which they know that they contributed to. I'd like them to tell her that they expect better from her. I also think they should tell her that listening to Jesse, etc. over her own family and husband is just asinine and that she's smarter than that.
crysbit chapter 14 . 11/29/2013
I'm really enjoying this story so far. A couple of mistakes pop up regularly through the chapters: oblivious instead of obvious, or defiantly instead of definitely are the two that immediately come to mind. There are some others, but I just skim over them because the story is just too darn interesting! I would like to see somebody (the kids!) call Rachel out on the whole "ignoring her family in the press" business. Using her maiden name? No ring? No contradicting the cozy St. Berry pictures & innuendoes in the press? No mentions whatsoever about her family to the press, crew, or cast? That's cold. If Puck brings it up they can fall back on old arguments. If the kids bring it up, different story. Pushover Rachel needs to start sticking up for her family.
SabrinaEF chapter 14 . 11/25/2013
I love this story and I'm so excited every time there is a new chapter, but there were some mistakes, factually, in the story that I would like to point out. I am not doing this out of malus or for the sake of be rude, I just want to explain this to you. The first one being a minor faux pas that Hanukkah this year actually starts before thanksgiving and continues long after. The second one being that most people think of Hanukkah as a major important holiday in the Jewish calendar when it is in fact not. Yes the ideas of the holiday date back many a century, but in modern society it is not known to be a major Jewish holiday. The reason it seems to be is that it has been Americanized in the sense that Jewish kids would see their peers getting presents and wanted a holiday where they were given presents as well, this result has lead to many thinking more of the holiday than really necessary. I personally am only celebrating the first night this year because we are with family for thanksgiving, but for most of the other nights I will be staying late at school to finish the Audition process for the show I tech for, I think this points out the over commercializations of this holiday. Sorry for my rate, once again I love this story so please continue writing and let me know if there are any questions I can answer for you.
Ms.allea chapter 14 . 11/25/2013
I didn't think he would be the one to quit. He is being irrational there. I hope they can make up
GGOTHSPNfan chapter 14 . 11/25/2013
I was really happy when I saw in my mail that you up dated again :) .Pff big drama happening haha . Can't wait for the next chapter.

XoXo Sabine ;)
Destroyer of Nations chapter 14 . 11/25/2013
No offense but I don't see how Puck is being hypocritical. If there is anybody who had to grow up it is Rachel. She's not in high school anymore.

Loved the update though. :)
Guest chapter 14 . 11/25/2013
Amazing chapter, super intense but I loved it. I don't see how Puck is being hypocritical. He's been trying to stay positive and yeah he might not tell Rachel what goes on back at home but she doesn't seem to care either. Puck was right on what he told Rachel. I hope they can fix their marriage soon. Once again AMAZING job!
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