Reviews for HIVZ
Save Me Barry chapter 13 . 4/14/2013
Yay! Thank you so much for taking the time to post this. I have no comments for any of the stories, but suffice to say that I'm glad you're continuing them :)

Have a nice day.
Guest chapter 13 . 4/11/2013
This is really interesting!
J'aime lire chapter 2 . 4/24/2012
this is really confusing...
Mr. Nikelai chapter 13 . 1/14/2012
What the ...? this is not zombie stuff
Blueteeth chapter 13 . 10/22/2011
Why is it posted as the next chapter to HIVZ?
Robin2Nightwing chapter 13 . 10/22/2011
The story is great but I think you posted it in the wrong story. I would love to read more of it. But I would also like to read more of HVZ. Funny thing is my university is having a game of Humans vs. Zombies this next week. Weird coincidence. Good luck with your stories.
Blueteeth chapter 13 . 10/22/2011
Why is it posted as the next chapter to HIVZ?
gonelikeme chapter 12 . 8/25/2011
Hope you update soon ! Love all your stories.
Anonymous chapter 12 . 8/13/2011
*Finishes doodling on shoe, and absentmindedly clicks on the Alex Rider category.* *Spots HIVZ, drops sharpie.*

"Yes! Finally! I've been waiting for this!"

*cough* well then... Sorry u had to see that. It was good. Update soon!
Torn Apart Paper Dinosaur chapter 12 . 8/13/2011
Lol, your spelling was fine before.

Keep at it.

wolfern chapter 10 . 7/16/2011
Woah. You have a really dramatic life.

Lordy. Great story so far; wonderful characters and concepts, perfectly written.

ReillyScarecrowRocks chapter 11 . 7/15/2011
you said 'corgi', i thought 'queen' :D

awesome, a gladius, i can imagine the possibilities *eyes glaze over as mind runs rampant with images from the movie 'Gladiator'*

your fic always makes me hyper...

Torn Apart Paper Dinosaur chapter 11 . 7/15/2011
Good chapter.

Yassen does care. *heart*

Have fun on your hike.

ReillyScarecrowRocks chapter 10 . 7/12/2011
sounds like a happening couple of weeks!

hahha, Yassen would be a 'Stone Cold' wouldn't he

Torn Apart Paper Dinosaur chapter 10 . 7/12/2011
Glad to know that you are still alive.

Looking forward to updates.

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