Reviews for Alone
Guest chapter 1 . 4/5/2014
That was the saddest thing I've ever read...but I didn't cry
PanicEndPanic chapter 1 . 2/16/2011
Ugh, this was... I can't even grab the correct word.

Reading this just... It pulled at my heart-strings. I'll admit, I choked up-started to cry. It's written...just, wow. It makes me feel so...agonized, despite not being in his situation.

Then at the end, in your Author's Note:

"Dedicated to my bro, Lucian.

Lucian, I miss you. You will /never/ be forgotten."

After reading that story, being put into that mindset, and then reading that... That just made me shatter. I sobbed.
Akuma the Dark One chapter 1 . 1/30/2011
I'm one of the few beings who could truly relate to this story and Kenny. As the first five years of my life was spent in a hell on earth closing my heart to close to love. The ice around my heart was only reasntly cracked open by a fanfic on this site but I can't remember what the name of the story is. Remember that your bro will live forever in your heart and MAY HE REST IN PEACE!
CreekBunnyStyle chapter 1 . 1/24/2011
wonderful. wonderful. wonderful. wonderful. That was such a beutiful, well writen storie. Amazing song as well.