Reviews for An Unstoppable Valentine
Firefly115 chapter 1 . 11/23/2015
Awesome work, really loved this :D
Robaezica W chapter 1 . 7/8/2015
Hilarious! LOVE IT!
Burnzs chapter 1 . 12/4/2011
That was so cutesy and well written. I liked the story and the goo. Nice one! A great work again.
Valerie3 chapter 1 . 9/23/2011
I found it absolutely hilarious when Ron showed up at Barkin's house. It's also very in character for him, after Emotion Sickness.
Mahler Avatar chapter 1 . 3/11/2011
This is definitely one of the best one-shots I've read. Clever writing, well thought out plot and everyone very in character. The Tweebs as more dangerous than all the other villains? Totally believable! And more imaginitive as well: they are Possibles, of course.

I second the motion of all the other reviewers on the romantic "Aww" factor as well.

But what really gave me a ROFL moment was Ron's persistency in whining to Barkin.

"How did you get in here?" Mr. Barkin all but screamed.

Ron looked back innocently. "Through the window. You said I couldn't use your keys anymore."

Extra props for doing this under the deadline of a contest. Well done. Bravo!

Kaiisan chapter 1 . 2/27/2011
that. was. awesome. :)
GigaBahamut chapter 1 . 2/12/2011
I LOVED IT! Too...epic...for...words.
jkrust78 chapter 1 . 2/10/2011
That...was Great!

It had everything in a Valentine's story. The villans were hilarious and all in character. Kim's brothers were done perfectly as well, that contract at the end was so them. Ron and Kim were, as always, Ron and Kim to a T. You even threw a proposal in there!

Well done! This might be the best story in the contest.
AmericanGecko chapter 1 . 2/7/2011
Absolutely amazingly done. I really love how you incorporated the different characters into this, including the surprise twist half-way through.

Also, great way to wrap things up. Truly a great story. Here's hoping it does well. :)

Data Seeker chapter 1 . 2/5/2011
Dear Author

Interesting little fanfic.

The quality is very good, good narration, dialog, interaction, suspense, drama and romance.

The character portrayal is good. I have my own preference on certain details, but I won’t make a big deal on them.

The beginning with Shego jogging and Kim shows up and attack was interesting beginning.

The scene with Barkin and Ron was amusing, having great narration and drama.

The plot unfolds as Shego wakeups in one of several cages (and she wasn’t alone) and Kim reveals her plan: she doesn’t want her Valentines day interrupted…AGAIN

The return of Barkin and Ron was amusing.

The scene with Kim bringing in more villains into her personal prison was pretty amusing, and discomfort she put them through was deviousness, but at least she didn't' cross the line.

The next scene with Mr. Peasly and Ron was pretty good.

The scene with Kim making some minor comforts for the caged villains was amusing, having good interaction and dialog.

The scene with Ron and Barkin wasn't my favorite, but as the old saying goes "Just because something isn't my preference, doesn't automatically make it wrong." You were fantastic. The trick Ron did to Barkin was wrong, though there was no malice on his part. Now I'm not criticizing you for adding it. No one is perfect, and we all make bad choices sometimes (including me).

The scene with Kim bringing one last batch of prisoners (Tim and Jim) was pretty funny, full of humor, suspense, great dialog and drama.

Kim's stunt (kidnapping her brothers) is rather extreme but I don't blame her, considering what Jim and Tim have done over the years. She's lucky she has a level on her brothers, or she be in big trouble.

The beginning of Kim and Ron's date was sweet, they are ready and hope things will go well (what could go wrong after all the preparations they made).

The scene interactions and exchanges between the locked up villains and the twins was brilliantly interwoven and flowed giftedly. It kind of fits that Tim and Jim would figure something out and ruin Kim's date as payback (though they would have done it for the sake of amusement if nothing else, so they don't have any basis for retaliation).

The date Kim and Ron had together was very creative, having great dialog and romance, and Kim and Ron's gifts to each-other was fantastic too.

The return of the contained villains as the Twins prepare their Great Escape was short, but good (and slightly suspenseful cause things are going to get ugly).

The part with the villains waiting for the Twins to free them was amusing, particularly the banter exchange between Drakken and Shego. Oh dear, the twins freed them and things might get ugly for Kim and Ron, after everything.

The part with Kim and Ron goign on their date was great, particularly Ron's minor trick to surprise Kim. It was very romantic that Ron thought things through in his preparation and the reference to a past fiasco and how he has matured since then was great.

The villains arriving at Go City and Kim isn't here yet was pretty funny, particularly the level DNAmy has on MonkeyFist, and Shego is concerned she will meet her brothers again.

Kim and Ron's interaction as they have their date was short, but sweet, and the musing about the potential link Go City and Team Go was fantastic (not to mention a good question).

The scene with the villains' making preparations to ruin Kim's date, but unexpected things occur, villains either drop or something forces them to leave, reducing the number was pretty amusing and believable. Maybe Kim won't have much to worry about.

The next scene with Kim and Ron was short, but sweet.

The next scene with Drakken, Shego and others was pretty amusing and well-written.

The scene with Ron and Kim having their date was sweet, having good humor, narration and dialog, and when Ron proposed with the ring- SUPERB.

It was funny when Drakken and Shego and the twins arrive and see the proposal and Shego loses her nerve at the last moment (for good reasons) and convinces Drakken to give up. It was also humorous when Shego went up and congratulate Kim, making Kim a little tense, and then leaves.

The last two scenes with involving the ending of this fic were great; brilliantly written.

This is what I think of the wholesome standards.

The language is clean.

Nothing is suggestively offensive.

No extreme violence or any other vile content.

The deviousness of the characters is passable. At least it didn’t get too out of hand and certain people didn’t do extreme stuff.

I hope this review brightens your day. God bless.

Data Seeker
Yamal chapter 1 . 2/3/2011
Great story! I enjoyed it a lot. Thanks a lot for your effort and keep up the good work!
Inali Grimalkin chapter 1 . 1/30/2011
I loved it! I actually 'awwed' out loud when Ron proposed. It was a nice, cute story and I loved how the villains slowly got knocked out XD an awesome little story. I'd love to see what KP does to keep the day safe on her wedding day
Demented Vampiric Zombie chapter 1 . 1/28/2011
I would like to award this story with several fangirl squeaks, a couple of "Aw"s and a clap of delight. Be be proud. The last time I found myself clapping like that while reading a fanfic was...*goes back to check my review history* joke.

I absolutely love this. It was well written, had a good plot, and was overall adorable in the best way. I really can't think of anything bad to say about it!
Joe Stoppinghem chapter 1 . 1/27/2011
I think I'm going to stop posting my stories or even try to enter these competitions.

Talk about hitting it out of the ball park!

Everything was laid out logically and pragmatically, yet in a simplistic storyline.

Kim's reasons were sound, she had a goal and going to meet it.

The one mistake was to add her brothers in the mix. I guess this is a great example of don't get on their bad side.

Ron's reaction to "Oh God! Tomorrow's V' Day!" was right on the mark. Plus his coming through as well.

How long did it take for you to put this together?
SlickNickShady chapter 1 . 1/26/2011
Great One-Shot.
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