Reviews for River Flows In You
RainyRain123 chapter 1 . 1/31/2019
first of all, i want to start crying because: 1) this story is so beautiful and you successfully make my heart throbbing, trembling, dying, with such good lines and premise and all and oh my how to breath someone please tell me2) it's 2019 (much to my late-finding-this-gem dissapointment) and you didn't update since the first chapter. you broke my heart again. i don't know if there's any slim possibilities that you read my review here but let me tell you that as soon as i read this wonderful chapter 1 i already am dying for more. so please, please if you read this, consider updating more chapters. i believe (i really do) that all of your readers here are waiting just like me, and i want to let you know that you're such a talented writer i'm dying to be, so please, please don't abandon this amazing work if you have the chance. and thank you. thank you for writing. i love you! X3
CassieLiam4 chapter 1 . 9/29/2017
I like this story and would love to read more. please update soon!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/26/2015
It's really sad that you just posted this one chapter and abandoned it, especially if you had additional chapters written. This is well done and I'd love to see the rest.
snogsnapscarter chapter 1 . 11/4/2014
kataang is the epitome of soulmates and this. THIS is what i needed. sweet baby jesus. i want them falling in love over and over again, a love that transcends time and space continuum. *sighs* they make me so happy AND SAD. it's a turmoil of feels
arizony chapter 1 . 8/26/2013

Excellent start to your story. You are friends with Rast...o you are Rast writing under an assumed name? :-))

Your writing is so similar in the depth of character development and description of emotions that you could be twins

Looking forward to your next update.

randommonkeyz998 chapter 1 . 11/18/2012
:3 it's sooo cute! But I must ask why it's rated M?
The Duke of Earl chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
If the updates are already written how come you've abandoned this amazing story!? Please, please, please update!
Elfxci chapter 1 . 10/13/2012
PLEASE POST THE REST! Can you add maybe some drama or something? ;) fanfic readers will eat it up like nutella! :P
Dinobot14 chapter 1 . 5/26/2012
You know, if this thing is already written then it couldn't be that hard to update right? Please? This is a really good story and you should finish it.
lilyoftheval5 chapter 1 . 4/16/2012
I really liked this. All this angst...

Kinda confused why, if it's already written, over a year has past...
Verilidali chapter 1 . 4/8/2012

You aren't allowed to upload a fantastic story and tell us you've got it all written down and then leave us hanging for a year ;_;

because seriously i want to see how this all plays out and from the first chapter alone I don't think you can disappoint.

But regardless, good story, hope that you update soon! (And until that magnificent day, I'll just... you know... reread the first chapter a million times. I especially like Aang's section, for some reason. Maybe I just like Aang.)

Hyper V chapter 1 . 3/10/2012
Oh my flipping god . . . THIS IS THE BEST STORY OF A LIFETIME AND YOU JUST FREAKING STOP THERE! I WAS SO GETTING INTO THE STORY AND IT ENDS. RIGHT. THERE! I am so disappointed! There are onl a few stories like this - with this quality writing - out there and you just waist it! I thought you said the other chapters were typed out? I so love this story and like most people, you give up on it. Well I'll wait until the day I die for you to update and even then, I'll be waiting in my afterlife for the update. SO UPDATE!
Ryuka chapter 1 . 1/13/2012
First of all, wonderful story. I thought you did really well with each of the characters'. . . characters. They were believable and seemed like themselves, which is very hard to get right, I know. I especially enjoyed Katara's character, who I think doesn't always get treated with much respect, and the relationship between her and Sokka. I also really liked the way you tweaked character backgrounds in order to make them almost the same as the show, but with your own twists. Very clever. Your friend Rast was right to bully you into posting your story.

I realize that it has been almost a year since you published it, and that means you are probably not coming back, but I have to beg you for the rest of the story. I very much enjoyed it and look forward to learning what becomes of Aang and Katara. So if pathetically begging reviews make any difference to you, please, please, please update. Please. Thanks for the story.
Sven2211 chapter 1 . 1/8/2012
OMG! love it! plz right more!
crystle111 chapter 1 . 8/8/2011
I thought this fic was written in advance? How come there are no updates?

I'm totally hooked! Update soon! :D
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