Reviews for Gerrybag
ladymadonnav chapter 21 . 3/29/2019
I want more!
ashmo2000 chapter 21 . 4/16/2016
Loving this story, I hope this can be continued ;)
MiniLover chapter 21 . 11/25/2015
Noooo...It can't just end there! This story is beyond amazing! Please tell me you plan to finish this at some point! I know you said you had this entire story planned out and that you'll never leave a story unfinished. Even an extended epilogue outlining where you saw the story going would at least give us some closure. And would be so appreciated! Please!
Guest chapter 21 . 11/15/2015
Dont tell me that's the end! Please update!
1QueenOfTheNorth1 chapter 21 . 8/27/2015
I just love this story. Would love to see an ending.
alyssa hanson chapter 21 . 1/7/2015
How can it stop like this!?
Abelizsm chapter 13 . 1/6/2015
Ok, so first of all - I can't believe I've waited so long to read this! It's excellent! Second, I felt so emotional when reading about Eric's moment with Sookie and the baby. You really made that interaction heart-wrenching.
w.s.caer chapter 21 . 12/14/2014
I'm glad the updates stopped on a good note and not a cliffhanger :) That was absolutely terrific. I don't normally read AH OR babyfic, but so glad I ventured into this one. The hefty dose of angst was heavenly. Thanks so much!
w.s.caer chapter 11 . 12/14/2014
Okay, I had to jump ahead to the end to say this: how STUPID can Sookie be to ask after Eric to his Colonel? SERIOUSLY? I HAVE NO WORDS FOR HER IDIOCY. That act alone has made me lose all respect for her intellect. Of ALL the things she could have done. JFC. In what world was it a good idea to ask about him? SOOKIE, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WERE SO STUPID.

My level of outrage and incredulity has surprised even me.
MelodyAnderson chapter 21 . 7/28/2014
Hello, I know it's been a long time probably since you've thought about this story, but I always wondered how you where going to finish it, because their predicament looked pretty unresolvable (in a good way). The only thing I could think of was, since Eric's mother was American, would he maybe be able to go to the US with Sookie after the war? But I don't know how realistic that is. Even if you're not planning to finish (and after 2 years, who could blame you?), could you maybe let me know how you were planning to get them out of their situation? Thank you.
Chanteuse chapter 21 . 7/9/2014
I love your characters and the beginning of the story was fantastic/ the love affair, the occupation, great stuff!

It falls apart in 1944. Remember that winter the Channel Islands were separated from the supply lines in France as a result of D-Day. Both the civilians and the Germans were on the brink of starvation. There is no way Eric could get through enemy lines to get back to the island - think about it! If he could than what was the invasion for?

Life was really hard that winter! It would be a struggle to keep little Rose alive with so little food and heat. Also she would have been deported to France as a foreigner by now.

The truth is that this couple would've been able to shack up and raise their daughter pretty easily in plain view of the islanders at this point/ they were just trying to survive. Also it would be cooler if he was a pilot or something. He's a little too close to the too leadership in Berlin to be as sympathetic as he is. Make him a pilot or a more engaged soldier to give him some separation between himself and the ideology behind the regime. Only hard liners got promoted to senior positions like that. Pilots and excellent military tacticians could be a little looser in their adherence to the ideology and were probably more likely to have real relationships.
Chaletamelia chapter 20 . 7/9/2014
You are a beautiful writer and these characters feel so real. However Eric can not just go back to Jersey. Remember D-Day? The allies occupied France and cut the supply lines to all the islands not to mention the heavy fighting as the allies made their way to Berlin. How could a German plane get through those event lines? To simply take over governing of an island that was rendered useless by the invasion anyway? Remember they occupied the Channel Islands in the hopes of conquering Britain. Now France is lost and there is no food coming in to the island and both the civilians and the army are on the brink of starvation. I would think you could do more with these characters given that very difficult situation. In a few months time the island will be liberated and as one of the top brass Eric could get traded off to the Soviet Union. I wish he were a pilot or something which would've made more sense being such a rich and important guy being based out on the western front. Anyway there is a lot of drama going on at this time to work with. People are desperate, life is very hard.
bethelove chapter 21 . 6/10/2014
Great Story...
MandaW4 chapter 21 . 5/11/2014
Such a good cliff hanger. Please update soon. Love the story
MandaW4 chapter 1 . 5/11/2014
Love this. Great romance .
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