S. K. Steven chapter 17 . 6/26
Thalia is probably much older than Eric. In the books there was a rumor that she was old when she met oddysseus. As in the guy from the odyssey and the Trojan War. The Trojan war actually happened. It occurred between 1260-1180 bc. It's the part about the Trojan horse that is myth.

If she was old that would put her at roughly 3600 at least depending on when she met oddysseus.
Giallorosso chapter 33 . 4/4
lzdiva4 chapter 33 . 5/10/2019
I like your view of the supernatural world. It would need to evolve to survive the times they found themselves in. Great story!
Guest chapter 33 . 2/13/2019
Great story thank you!
TeamEricNSookie chapter 33 . 12/2/2018
This was an excellent story. I would have like to have heard more about the battle, how some of the others perished and of SAL death.

What of Pam and her decision? What of Dermont? Who rules fairy? So many unanswered questions.

Thank you for sharing.
TeamEricNSookie chapter 32 . 12/2/2018
I knew it was Thaila before I even read it! Lol... I love her character
TeamEricNSookie chapter 13 . 12/1/2018
What is Sia Avell? I can’t find a translation.
TeamEricNSookie chapter 10 . 12/1/2018
Sid Mat Lancaster was the old man attorney in Bon Temps. You meant Johan Glassport, he was the sleezy attorney.
HartleySkarsgard chapter 33 . 2/13/2018
This was really well written. Thank you :)
Sooty85 chapter 33 . 10/13/2017
This story was just superb !
What amazing world building and imagination this author has, I’m so impressed (and a little jealous :( sadly I have no creative talent whatsoever )

(I am late to the Sookie Stackhouse/SVM universe, but better late than never and although originally I liked the Sookie/Bill pairing until I found out what a scumbag he was :(
Once Sookie was with Erik that was it - the perfect couple in every way !
CH’s final book with Sookie ending up with Sam and not Eric was just plain wrong - aargh !)
MsNorthman chapter 33 . 8/27/2017
Omg I can't believe I haven't read his before! I was sure I had because I read the first story. How happy I was to discover an awesome fic I haven't read yet. It was like Christmas when I realized it! Lol
Great battle, I was sad to read some of the names who were lost in fight.
I really loved this. I especially love how amongst all the drama going on, you always make me laugh out loud.
I'm going to continue on with rereading your other stories. Maybe I'll stumble upon another unread gem like this! I follow you on Wordpress, I'm askarsismybb on there.
MsNorthman chapter 30 . 8/26/2017
Eric's commentary on the hats Sookie knitted was hilarious!
MsNorthman chapter 3 . 8/18/2017
I'm rereading your stories, love them all!
AZSeaOtter chapter 33 . 2/18/2017
LOVED IT! Sad that they lost so many in the end but their journey to obtain peace was worth the price, much like Leland had pledged. Sometimes it is necessary that lives are lost so that others can live in a better future. Excellent sequel! Thankfully things turned out ideally for Eric and Sookie, regardless of the loses of their friends and allies. Thank you so much for sharing such a terrific ride!
AZSeaOtter chapter 32 . 2/18/2017
Those were some super awesome chapters! The preparations, training, new alliances, lovers united and even familial protection given by the Koválls, tell us all is possible with trust and common goals. Thank you for the way you handled the situation from the books with Freyda, it was tastefully summed up and put to rest. At the end I thought for sure Eric was going to kill Leland. I wonder if he is one of Fintan's other children? With the impending battle, I am terrified who will be lost. On with the show... ;-)
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