Reviews for Surfboards and Pineapple Pizza
francis2 chapter 10 . 11/12/2011
francis2 chapter 9 . 11/12/2011
Hahahahaha! That was awesome! Funny and cute.
Live4StarWars chapter 8 . 10/30/2011
ooooohhhhh what happened to gracey!
darkorangecat chapter 8 . 10/29/2011
Lovely, sad portrait.
francis2 chapter 8 . 10/29/2011
Oh no! Make it better, please!
francis2 chapter 7 . 10/23/2011
Nice way working the lyrics in. Well done.
francis2 chapter 6 . 10/23/2011
Poor Danny! I had a friend call me in the middle of the night because she couldn't use her bathroom until I removed the spider in the corner, and I lived 20 miles away. So I understand phobias.
LLevey chapter 5 . 10/19/2011

LLevey :D
francis2 chapter 5 . 10/15/2011
Danny loves his Steve too much to not rescue him, but he also needs to voice his anguish this way. Love it!
francis2 chapter 4 . 10/6/2011
Seems that the remedy was more dangerous than the sickness. Made me giggle.
francis2 chapter 3 . 8/11/2011
Oh my, that brought tears to my eyes. So good...
francis2 chapter 2 . 5/1/2011
Oh, that was close, but you're not supposed to take your child out of school all day for just a little appointment. Well, now I'm glad Rachel did that.
LLevey chapter 2 . 4/26/2011
Loved it!

francis2 chapter 1 . 2/10/2011
Awww, how cute.
ballistics belle chapter 1 . 2/7/2011
God they're so adorable. And I like how you had Steve being the cuddly one. I could totally see that. Good job!

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