Reviews for El Diablo del Oeste
Guest chapter 13 . 8/4/2016
Nice. It's three thirty am and I am satisfied. Good job and good night.
Paragon the Half-Dragon chapter 3 . 3/5/2013
Oh shit! Deadpool cameo incoming!
fish-egirl chapter 13 . 3/2/2013
(0o0) I love this series!

This story is so creative and brilliant that it's taken on alife of it's own! The kiss sequence made my belly twist into knots!

Perfectly written. (0o0)
tentsubasa chapter 13 . 12/22/2012
It seems a little unfortunate this ended on such a gruesome note, but it was a good ending nonetheless. Yay! They're engaged!
tentsubasa chapter 5 . 12/22/2012
Ouch. That's a little unfortunate. I suppose the others know to laugh at his bad jokes now, though.

I loved the part where you talk about their doubts and insecurities with their attraction to each other. :) It makes my heart yearn for them to find happiness. :)
Guest chapter 3 . 10/28/2012
why does deadpool have to be the bad guy?! I love that merciless merc, but not as a bad guy!
chainfiuxia7 chapter 13 . 8/10/2012
..and Quill...PLEASE WRITE MORE KURTTY SERIES!me and my twin sis are just sooo engrossed with them!:D..

We thank u for writing such adorable stories! Can't wait to read more of your works!
..and an0ther thing..oh pls bring back kurt's real accent..hehe:)
chainfiuxia7 chapter 13 . 8/10/2012
I love the way it ended!kn0wing dat kurt won't b alone anym0re makes me happy,and the fact dat he wl b married with catherine makes me m0re happier:D.,
and btw,i just adore the way kurt proposes to cathy,it's sooo cute!..again,u really are a genius!;))))
chainfiuxia7 chapter 9 . 8/10/2012
Omahgosh!..i love this chapter!..ahhhhh!..u kn0w very well that ur an absolute genius,don't u?;))))
Angel of Pandemonium chapter 1 . 6/16/2012
lovely. as usual
Kakurosu chapter 13 . 5/22/2012
HOLLY SHIT - *squeeeeeee* - dis was so amazing to read - i LOVE dis 3 !
Nazomeita213 chapter 13 . 3/24/2012
I Absolutely LOVE Your Work :D It Never Ceases To Impress :D
50-Tablets chapter 8 . 9/15/2011
This chapter and chapter 5 are my favorite chapters.
50-Tablets chapter 13 . 9/14/2011
This was my favorite out of all of your Historical Kurtty Fanfics. I loved the build up and shall be re-reading it if only to feel the mystery again. It was amazing and hope your 6th and final (am dreading the day you stop writing you Historical Kurtty Fanfics)Historical Kurtty Fanfic is similar to that one. Can't wait for your next story and you will see my reviews soon.
GrimmEverafter chapter 13 . 7/16/2011
I don't often get to read something that has much thought and work put into it, but I do have to say you really succeeded here. You pulled of something that not a lot of people seem to nowadays, and that is incarnating Kurt as a serious character that isn't, as a review I read once put, 'a furry mop of angst' for the sake of a character's self-pity. He and Kitty fit so well into the time period you wrote them into, and I am nothing less than blown away by how well this was written. The inclusion of Deadpool only made it better, though I do really wish that this could have been a lot longer. Never thought the Fuzzy Elf would make an awesome outlaw! I am now eagerly going off to read the rest of the historical Kurtty stories you have written.

I wish you much luck and best of hopes for all of your future pieces!
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