Reviews for How Do You Date?
budgieri chapter 1 . 11/19/2018
i saw the pairing while skimming through and the idea is just so cute! i really enjoyed reading this, it was super adorable c: the take from Otogi's pov was an unexpected twist, but it was really nice!
AUehara chapter 1 . 12/3/2014
That was a nice story. Great friend Otogi! Also, surprisingly not awkward Atem in a date with a girl! Damn, that episode with Anzu was an epic date! This one was pretty cute though. Hahah, good work.

.Atsuko Uehara
BiblioMatsuri chapter 1 . 12/24/2012
*bursts out laughing* "My life is too weird." He speaks the truth.
Youngbountygirl chapter 1 . 10/6/2012
That was a nice innocent story. I also liked how Duke mentioned to the mugger that it wasn't Atem's life he saved, it was the mugger's life, because it retrospect, it's true. It's never about the fact Atem can't take care of himself, it's just the fact that the person attacking him will find himself in hell and back and I doubt he wants Serenity to see that. It's already bad enough Yugi had to see that.
Aqua Burst 7 chapter 1 . 10/6/2012
THis is a really good story. I love the part where Yami was wondering if he should take Serenity to a porno. XD
looptheloopy chapter 1 . 3/6/2011
This is awesome :) I like how you write Otogi though... He's awesome!
My Misguided Fairytale chapter 1 . 2/11/2011
Aw, Otogi! The fandom really does need more Otogi, and you've written him so well! It's a different approach, but I do like how the Shadowshipping is almost in the background here, and the humor throughout the story is excellent. An enjoyable read overall.

Keep up the good work! D

~Jess (MMF)
Doubleplusgoodduckspeaker chapter 1 . 2/11/2011
This was such a cute read and just right up your alley.

My comments were pretty similar to Saffys (one of the things I think defines YnY is his lack of memories) but the only real main thing I'm wanting is a stronger sense of conflict in the story. Everyone just kind of rolls with everything and everyone's happy, etc etc. Also, one of the things I really don't like hearing from the narrator of a story is that they're bored; because then how should the reader feel? But several things I really liked were Otogi feeling stalker-y and awkward throughout the night because that was fantastic, and also the movie being a thriller :) But I think you did what you set out to do; giving us Otogi being awesome-and he was! I always like reading whenever he or Honda get the spotlight, so I really enjoyed that aspect.
yllimilly chapter 1 . 2/11/2011
Have I mentioned how happy I was that you decided to put a little spin on your entries? And have I mentioned how masterful you are at keeping everything extremely canon yet making the prompt-imposed romantic aspect believable every single time?

I liked the original premise for this, and I liked even more your clever use of a witness type of narrator. You made Otogi really likeable and relatable here, and you managed to make the sometimes hard to work with Yami very human.

Awesome job. I hope that you keep surprising us like this in the future.

Animom chapter 1 . 2/9/2011
I smiled the entire time I was reading

this. I like your slightly devious Otogi.

(and "favorite dice" made me chuckle), though I kept getting the impression that there was much more going on "behind the scenes" - and that whatever it was, I'd missed it.

All in all, a fun read. God luck in the contest~!
safa'at keruth chapter 1 . 2/8/2011
Ah, I really like this. The light, fluffy quality was a very pleasant breather in comparison to the serious/angsty fics the rest of this round yielded. And I can assure you that you pull of fluff incredibly well!

The concept of Atem not knowing how to date, though overused, was still written effectively - I like how you added Otogi's little mental comments about the 'movies' Jounouchi watches and Atem's mix of modern and ancient to change the typical plot somewhat. And telling this through Otogi's eyes was interesting - it puts the focus so much more on him than on the Shadowshipping, and that was really fun to read. The mugger scene at the end was also a nice touch.

My only bit sof concrit are that you don't distinguish between Atem and Yami here (though that's understandable... it just makes the fic seem like Atem/Shizuka xD), that you didn't specify when exactly this occurs (so I don't know if this is Atem-is-back-post-canon or something else), and that Otogi seems to be threatening the mugger with an Atem Mind Crush, but as he himself stated in narration shortly before, nobody outside of Yugi-tachi knows about Atem's Shadow Magic.

Great job, and good luck! :)

~ Keruth
Sun-chan1 chapter 1 . 2/8/2011
Heh heh, I love that. I've only ever seen Otogi in the dub, so I'm not a huge fan but I really love your potrayal of him her. Shizuka and Atem make a really interesting couple too.
KyoxSakiFan chapter 1 . 2/8/2011
Did I ever tell you how much I could declare my undying love for you? No, seriously. I simply ADORE this ship, don't ask me why. xD

Hm...are there many contradictions between the manga canon and anime canon? I've been interested in reading the manga myself, but have only gotten as far in as the first three volumes of Shadow Games. Just asking.
dragonlady222 chapter 1 . 2/8/2011
Very cute. Otogi is turning into a good friend to them. He really was helpful.