Reviews for Worth It
Guest chapter 1 . 10/24/2017
Finn is still a jack ass for doing the kissing booth but at least your Finn cane to his senses sooner rather than have to suffer through Fuinn part deux.
SammiLoves2Write chapter 1 . 12/26/2014
This was so good! Love Finchel!
MrsMosley chapter 1 . 7/20/2013
I enjoyed this so much. Thanks.
Ann Angelis chapter 1 . 3/4/2013
Hey, so here I am again. I've decided to read all your fanfictions even if some of them are Finchel, which I despise. Nevertheless, I love the way you write, so it is pretty good. It would have been so much better for both of them if Finn wasn't such a hypocrite, but he was, especially in season 2. Anyway, liked your version of the facts better than the show's.



TaleWeaver chapter 1 . 2/11/2011
Damn, I wish that had really happened. I know we got some finchel hope in SLS, but this was better.

I keep wondering when Regionals is going to happen, because I'm pretty sure that's when Finn and Rachel will be getting back together (after all, the only reason to have sectionals happening so much earlier is to leave room for nationals), and I keep wanting to wail 'hurry up already!' I want Finn to go back to being the sweet, well-meaning guy I became a fan of in the first place, instead of this pod-person that showed up for most of Spec Ed and hasn't completely gone yet.

Y'think we'll ever get any sort of explanation for this whole Quinn/Finn mess, on his part at least? Or will just have to chalk to up to the writers needing something to do to be dramatic - which is pretty much the only reason for the whole Finn/Rachel breakup in the first place. I mean, if they wanted to mess up Quinn and Sam, why not just have her go into giving-up-Beth remorse and hook up with Puck again?
jenny chapter 1 . 2/10/2011
that ending :D
civillove chapter 1 . 2/9/2011
That was great. :)
StaceyB88 chapter 1 . 2/9/2011
Aww, how cute :3 Much, much better than what actually happened in this episode :) Man, I wish they'd done this storyline instead! Finchel FTW!
JannP chapter 1 . 2/9/2011
I have always known your true allegiance of course, but I'm so happy and proud you did a Finn/Rachel fic. I might just stop writing Finn now and leave it to you.

You got the play-by-play, but there's the short rundown of things I love: Finn thinks he's hot shit but he's still the same dumbass and eventually realizes it; he's afraid of Santana-as well he should be; mint of many flavors; Rachel freaking him out; Puck charging for blow jobs, Rachel calling him on it, and Finn being blown away for a different reason.

Also, thanks for not resorting to cheap cut aways to tell me how I'm supposed to feel about something when I don't feel that way and it takes them out of character. Also, I'm glad there was no mono so there could be a real, mushy kiss and makeup at the end.
noro chapter 1 . 2/8/2011
loved it
haileerikerawr chapter 1 . 2/8/2011
*Cries* I wish that was what happened during the episode!
coolchick123 chapter 1 . 2/8/2011
rite more plz! i would like 1 more chapter at least!