Reviews for Dream Ending
PippaFrost chapter 1 . 10/12/2014
Filidia chapter 8 . 12/5/2012
Loved it. Love all your stories about these two. Absolutely great. Please; more, more, more! :D
Tinapple chapter 8 . 7/25/2012
I decided to hold off on reviewing until the end so I could make sure I put all my thoughts into one review. I'm going to go over the constructive criticism first. I hope none of it comes as offense, but I'd like to just point out what I saw/felt throughout the story. :)

I'm not sure how I feel about this. I started off really liking it and pumped. It had great potential and I still think it delivered a nice story, but I feel like you grew bored or unfocused with it towards the end. The ending is very anti-climatic. I expected the grandfather to leave the picture but I thought that would be to pave way for the step father. You set it up for the idea of Arthur's step father putting a hit out for him and it would have been great to roll with. You could have delved deeply into dream scenarios for it and live action.

When you brought in Felicia (Felicity?) it even popped in the subject of Arthur's past and made me think even more that something would happen, that she would slip or Michael would show up or the step father would somehow find out. Instead, Arthur found out his grandfather died on the TV and things were finished. I didn't realize it was the end until I saw "the end" at the bottom.

Even the emotions were hard to handle. They were developing nicely and the stage they're at is appropriate, but it feels like the middle stage instead of the ending stage. I understand Arthur not saying "I love you" because it isn't in his character, but I think with a bit more work and a few more chapters it could have developed into that stage of their relationship where he could say that. Cutting of here denies the satisfaction for the readers to see.

The story had a lot of nice emotion and I loved the concept of them owning a casino. It was appropriate. I would have preferred to see more imagery. You kind of glossed over it and I had issues imagining the casino. What I had in my head was probably not what you did, and while that will always be in a story, I think that with a bit more description it would have been better.

My largest pet peeve in this story was the fact that you used 'his man' and 'the man' and 'that man' almost every other word in place of a proper pronoun or name. Several of those places could have been replaced with "he" "him" and "Arthur/Eames". It jarred me out of the story several times because I kept thinking "Damn it I wish a name would be used". It takes away from the story and detaches from the character. At times it could even come off confusing, depending on the place. A possessive term like "his lover" works fine occasionally, especially in the context of Arthur or Eames thinking it, but even that can get trite and hold a grasping feel to it.

There were a few grammar/spelling errors throughout the story, but those were the common kinds and didn't happen often.

You did a wonderful job on the emotional/physical connection between Arthur and Eames. I liked the idea you had that they were both dominate and even hinted at a bit of switching between them. There was a lot of chemistry there between them.

I hope this didn't come off mean, because I did enjoy the story. I think you have a lot of potential and with a bit of growth you could become a splendid writer. You did a wonderful job on the story and I think with a bit of polishing (if you wanted to) it could be developed into an even greater story. Congrats on writing a lovely piece and I hope you continue to write.
danae.14 chapter 8 . 4/11/2012
wonderful story, i absolutely love it! One question, what was in the locked picture file of Eames? I'm very curious. Great job on the story!
XxrockyxX chapter 8 . 2/16/2012
This story was really great! The romance between Eames and Arthur was so heartwarming, I just couldn't get enough! And the plot was really interesting too! Overall, really nice work, I loved this :)
Mudkiprox chapter 8 . 2/12/2012
Awww awesome ending there! So sweet~
TheaBlackthorn chapter 8 . 2/5/2012
Great ending Hun really enjoyed the story :)
Gurkblomma chapter 8 . 2/4/2012
Hi! Just read your story - all of it - and I wanted to let you know it's really good. It made me sad you haven't gotten more response to it, because it's brilliant. I loved the care shown between Eames and Arthur and how they love each other, even though Arthur can't quite manage to say it. Great job!
Ci chapter 8 . 2/3/2012
Aw, I'm sad you decided to bring it to a close early, but at the same time I'm glad you were thoughtful enough not to abandon it and bring it to a wonderful conclusion. Their charecterizarion was done brilliantly, and I enjoyed every chapter of this. It made me so happy how much they adore each other and ready to fight anyone or anything that threatens them. (:
bat-hawk chapter 8 . 2/3/2012
Aw, how sweet.
Karma Kat 281 chapter 7 . 10/17/2011
I think this story is incredibly in-character. I can definitely see this happening. I'm looking forward to seeing Michael getting a good kick in the pants. Update soon please1
Guest chapter 7 . 9/10/2011
Hope this fic isn't abandoned. It's absolutely amazing!
MissSilver chapter 7 . 6/25/2011
... dammit that was soooo sexy. :D
caramelcandylover chapter 7 . 6/22/2011
OMG ur story is amazing! i got a nosebleed at every other paragraph! lol, eames and arthur were so perfect together! i love how they both feel the same way about each other but are too afraid to say it to each other, (sighs happily) love it! please update soon! :) and btw, love the kittens' names, im a huge LOTR fan :)
Jareth chapter 3 . 6/16/2011
I'm really enjoying the fic so far. I just wanted to mention that it's "Cobb" not "Cobbs" and it became kind of distracting since the mistake repeated so many times throughout this chapter. Easy mistake, I guess. Not as bad as a fic I read that referred to Arthur as Andrew (not even kidding -_-)
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