Reviews for Lifelike Shadows
Luzula-spicata chapter 16 . 7/13
Thank you very much for your story
OnlyRiddle'sGirl chapter 16 . 4/18
Damnnnn this is good
OnlyRiddle'sGirl chapter 7 . 4/17
Best chapter
Puzzler54 chapter 16 . 12/24/2018
This is a favourite story for me - I've thoroughly enjoyed every chapter. The banter and arguments between the pair throughout is brilliant. Also genius idea for Hermine to have such an inventive inquisitive cousin! I enjoyed the hospital scenes too.
I am already looking forward to reading this again sometime soon.

On a side note, near the top you've written "a quite humming" - I think you mean "quiet".

Excited to find out where else your imagination has taken you for your other stories! :)
Guest chapter 7 . 12/15/2018
“Banged her against the wall”
MotekElm chapter 16 . 7/20/2018
great epilogue. I love the ending
MotekElm chapter 15 . 7/20/2018
awww, I love the HEA Dramione. I think Hermione is a little too forgiving, but they're so perfect together
MotekElm chapter 10 . 7/20/2018
pS great story. drama, angst, building sexual tension...
MotekElm chapter 10 . 7/20/2018
I think this chapter makes the fic M rated, or high T, for violence, mention of rape, etc. it's a great chapter, just not typical for T stories. then again, if T truly stood for teens and above it would be fine
MotekElm chapter 3 . 7/20/2018
PaleandBroodingsGirl chapter 16 . 7/20/2018
LOVE this! what a creative plot!
Unidentified Gem chapter 16 . 7/13/2018
Frindy chapter 14 . 4/23/2018
I love the purse dog and shirt monsters!
Guest chapter 16 . 10/8/2017
I have to say, I am a bit put off by Hermione's eating disorder. Having known people with that, it's hard to read. It is just written too casual (IMO) for something that serious. Like it is normal to skip most meals and just eat sugar instead.
I'm also a bit puzzled about Draco in this fic. First he is his normal acid personality and then bam (- without any real transistion time) he is DraDra. Remember WonWon and LavLav. You get the picture... It is too abrupt. It's like he has a personality disorder.
As always with your fics, I am impressed with how well-written they are. You are one of my favorite ff authors!
Guest chapter 16 . 5/15/2017
What kind of fucked up story is this? Why will HG debase herself by falling for DM who hasn't changed a bit in this fic? There is no redemption on his part, he doesn't make up for his actions, his words, his blood purity thinking & his overall behaviour. He is just bossing her around and telling her to be ok with whatever he has done. That restro scene was too disgusting to just move on from. You made HG a slave to her feelings & stripped her off her self-respect. You didnt even provide any reasons, any talk, any action which led them to have feelings for eachother if u can call it that.
I am a hard-core dramione fan and this depiction of a degraded relation between them just grossed me out and angered me a lot.
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