Reviews for The Unexpected
Cammie Cassia Chase chapter 1 . 4/22/2013
I love it. :)
arrowslipstick chapter 1 . 2/17/2011
haha, I've never really been a Jaitlyn shipper, but I was curious. I loved it!


Great job!

I'm off to read some more Jaitlyn's now ;)
angellwings chapter 1 . 2/14/2011
I love this! I love the subtle hints of Natella. I love the fact that Jason is so distracted by how different Caity looks. I love that he follows her around and goes all Edward Cullen on her. I love that after he finds out Caity likes him too he just HAS to be her boyfriend right away. And I just love how amusingly awkward he is in this entire story. :)