Reviews for Fascinated
YokaiAngel chapter 1 . 7/6/2018
ReidFan24-7 chapter 1 . 2/28/2017
Guest chapter 1 . 12/21/2016
I love this!
Cherubim chapter 1 . 9/24/2016
I love this story. Thank you for writing it.
Cherubim chapter 1 . 5/15/2016
You are a wonderfully creative writer.
I thank you for sharing.
Annber03 chapter 1 . 4/25/2015
Sigh. YES.

This is perfect. This encapsulates so well why Reid is so awesome, and why us fans love him so much.

I had to laugh at Morgan's observations of Reid's style, and acknowledging that he at least HAS one now. Ever the big brother figure to Reid, he WOULD temper his admiration of his friend with some silly comments about Reid's looks :p. I also love his memory of the day he very first met Reid, and how awkward Reid looked to him back then, and his realization of how much he's changed over the years.

And yet, it's so sweet of Morgan to acknowledge the maturity he's seen in Reid, watching him "becoming a man". He's one of the most important male figures in Reid's life, and he's taught Reid so much over the years, I can definitely see him taking some pride in watching Reid grow up-again, the way an older brother would look on proudly as they watched their little brother grow up. He may tease and joke with Reid a lot, but his respect for him is very much apparent, and I love that Morgan acknowledged that. I especially liked him noting that the word "genius" doesn't seem enough of a description for Reid anymore.

Hotch's thoughts are great, too. I can see him actually sitting there counting up how many cases Reid has solved, and the back and forth he has with Rossi over it-I could easily hear and see that playing out :D. His comment about Reid's mind being incredible reminds me of the episode where he asked Gideon how amazing it was that Reid knew what he did and he was only 24. It's obvious Reid's intellect has always been something Hotch has encouraged and respected, and it's nice to see him voice that aloud. The idea of him smiling smugly as he laments the fact other law enforcement agencies don't have their own Reid, and feeling lucky that his team does, is downright adorable.

Rossi's comments are good, too. I like that Hotch calls Rossi out on the possibility that he might find Reid's intelligence annoying, considering the iffy interaction between Rossi and Reid when they started working together. Hotch thinking Rossi's arrogance might've affected how he viewed Reid is a good point, too.

But I love how quickly Rossi shoots that down, stating flat out he doesn't find Reid annoying. It's a simple statement that proves how affectionate he feels towards Reid now, a sign of the great father/son sort of bond they share now. And yet, it's so like him to bring in some humor, too, with the comment about not wanting to be one of Reid's classmates :p. That is very true!

The moment with Emily is lovely, too. She would be the sort to tell Reid flat out that he did good-they've always had a sweet friendship, they could always be honest with each other about anything, and she's a self-proclaimed nerd, so she "gets" him on that level and knows how important it is to tell someone how good they are at their job. I like the nod to Emily loving Reid for being Reid, and appreciating the fact that he's very much one-of-a-kind.

And I like how you note that even in the moments when they do get irritated with him, or do or don't show surprise at him doing something awesome, or tell him to keep things simple, they still, in the back of their minds, also remind themselves to appreciate those moments, too, and are aware they'd miss all of that if he weren't there.

As for Reid himself? Leave it to him to be completely confused and surprised by all the praise he's getting :D. I nodded my head at this line in regards to Hotch: "He thinks with amusement, as he lies down, that for the minority of geniuses who could measure themselves up to Reid, his complete lack of egoism and utter cluelessness would only serve to irritate them more." Yes. One of my favorite things about Reid is that despite all his brilliance, he's incredibly modest. Pretty much the only time he's ever cocky with anyone or throws his intelligence around is when he's joking with his friends, or when some idiot implies he doesn't know what he's talking about or mocks him. Otherwise, he's very humble, and it's part of his charm.

I love the image of him looking confused when Hotch smiles at him, or asking "Was I?" when Emily tells him how good he was on the case, and laughing at everyone's reactions to him figuring important clues out. It's kind of sad, in a way, that he's not fully aware of how brilliant and talented he is (or hasn't fully accepted or come to terms with it, whatever), but at the same time, that adds an innocence to him that makes him sweet and loveable. I'm glad the team is there to remind him of how talented and smart he is, and how important he is to their lives and their line of work. He is indeed a very fascinating person, and this story so aptly proved why. Lovely.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/11/2015
Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! I loved you story so much :)
autumnamberleaves chapter 1 . 12/9/2014
Great job! I loved Reid, especially during that episode.
velveteen habit chapter 1 . 6/2/2014
I love this so much.
mindgameplay chapter 1 . 8/3/2012
yes,he will continue being fascinating!
nette0602 chapter 1 . 3/14/2012
vampyfreak chapter 1 . 11/16/2011
Liked it
CRIMINAL-MINDZ-FANZ chapter 1 . 4/2/2011
You captured the person who is our beloved genius perfectly here. Reid truly is one of the most fascinationg characters we have come across on tv in awhile, I think.

He truy is one of a kind.

Love the part about "They will be irritated when he sprouts off irrevelant facts;but if he doesn't,they'll miss it." That kind of sums up my introduction to Spencer Reid, who was THE main reason for me eventually becoming a fan(it certainly did not take long,lol)...cannot believe the first few times I watched he irritated me, but after a few more, I grew to love those 'Reid speeches' so much...and all those other unique things that make him so great to watch.
sculderphile1013 chapter 1 . 3/6/2011
That was beautiful! It actually left i little tear in my eye!
Prieva chapter 1 . 2/23/2011
I'm really excited for this episode to come on tonight, and I was sort of surprised that yours is the only story as of yet that deals with "Coda".

It's well-written, and I think you captured something that, like you say, isn't always acknowledged or remembered on the show.
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