Reviews for Science
ashes34 chapter 3 . 9/7/2014
What if a couple months later wally breaks up with Meagan and wants robin but just his body and he finds out about roy who doesn't really love robin either and the two get in a fight about "who gets" robin while robin is either depressed or just plain confused...xD OMG can't believe I just said thatt
AsorenRM chapter 3 . 7/8/2014
One, Batman don't do hugs. I feel sorry for superman because a cape is pretty much necessary, and Wally would wear the kitten out.
Two, Your the one who wrote this how could you not know what happening? -face palms- To me at least, it seems that after a one nighter with Wally Robin became really sad and vulnerable. When he can't take seeing the one he loves with another he goes to find help, Roy. He gets swept away in the moment and sleeps with Roy as well. It also seems like he has high hopes for being loved. Maybe he's just not paid enough attention to, but this condition is making him hope by sleeping with his friends he will feel loved. At least, that's what I gather.
Third, It was good, you should continue it!
LostMyGIr chapter 3 . 9/3/2012
Oh my gosh, this story is so perfect are you still continuing it?
monkiimax chapter 1 . 6/19/2012
The ending. You just killed me. Jajaja good fic :D
BloodMoon93 chapter 3 . 3/8/2012
I really like this story so far. And I wish that you could continue it, because it is fucking hot!
because i can chapter 3 . 10/23/2011
1 never say minor 2 hes not a slut if he liked it 3 my gosh that was unexpected ending 4do rob and kf get back together? I wouldnt care but i hope a threesome is in thier future!
OMG MATURE stuffz chapter 3 . 9/1/2011
This story is awesome

Yay! for Dick/Wally and Dick/Roy!

ps i like Batman giving hugs, just so you know
toolazytologin chapter 3 . 8/30/2011
Aw poor Robin. I think this story is awsome so far and hope that you continue it. I think though that Robin and Roy should have like a seceret relationship for a while until Wally finds out or something. In my opinion there aren't enough Roy/Robin storys but i'll take what i can get lol. But like i said AWSOME story so far. Can't wait til the next chapter when it comes out. ;)
Nerdy Ninja in Training chapter 1 . 8/24/2011
Plz you have to finish this story loved it!:D
Kfrob fangirl chapter 3 . 8/15/2011
Please don't give up on this story! Its really good so far, especially with Robin's changing outlook on things. If you do need ideas one suggestion could be that roy and dick start a love affair, wally founds out but keeps quiet to protect roy and robin however he slowly realises how much he cares for robin and how jealous he is. I suppose it could then morph into a love triangle or maybe a square because megan will probably be slightly jealous. Anyways just and idea. : )
Raikimluva22 chapter 3 . 6/14/2011
-Chorus of angels sing-

I. Love. You.

..-sniffle- wha-what? N-no more updates? :'O

Ninja in Training chapter 3 . 5/3/2011
I'm lost. He went over there for advice but instead had sex with his other best friend. I think that he probably let it happen cuz he wanted to get his mind off KF. I wonder whats gonna happen when Wally finds out will he get jealous? And at the end i felt sad for Rob. He's just so confussed and i guess degusted with himself. But love this story any way:D
WinterClover chapter 3 . 4/29/2011
maybe robins going through some sort of depression because wally pretty much just told him, no, we're never going to be together, after they fucked and such. :C

And that caused him to run to roy, an even MORE hormonal college student, and this happened.

And now he's finally catching up to his thoughts?


I just have a feeling robins going to be really self-hatey now. and why isn't batman wondering where his charge is? oh god when he finds out... D:
TheGreenGaze.Me chapter 3 . 4/28/2011
More kidflash. :( I miss him.
raccoonleaf chapter 3 . 4/23/2011
D: i feel like such a pervert, but this story is so addicting! TOO ADDICTING! Poor Robin :( he's confused~ I love this fanfiction, please update soon!

I think currently, Robin is in a depressed stage, where he's too weak to make his own decisions and create a broad line between what is wrong and what is right. (the line was broken after he allowed his lust to take over) I think he still likes Wally but is trying to avoid the overall situation, by forcing a stronger relationship with Roy. Hoping that he'll forget about Wally and concentrate on something else. :( hopefully Wally won't cause my poor Robin anymore pain!
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