Reviews for Waiting in the Twilight
anniecullen770 chapter 27 . 9/28/2019
so beautiful! like A DREAM come True
anniecullen770 chapter 1 . 9/28/2019
you are humorous its just too good .finding very hard to stop reading and go to sleep
randayle.wallace chapter 27 . 1/4/2018
Absolutely great story!
twificfan chapter 27 . 4/16/2017
Wonderful! Your writing is brilliant!
ChristianMom54 chapter 27 . 3/4/2017
You know better than I thought. Well written storyline. More then just acting. Had suspense to it. Good love connection. Dragged a little on the blogging but was needed for the story. Loved the MEoWs. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.
harkie5 chapter 27 . 1/11/2017
This was an amazing story! I could barely put it down. Thanks for sharing.
Anna Fawn chapter 27 . 1/8/2017
I was sceptical at first, but God this is an awesome story! (:
blondferretgirl chapter 27 . 12/10/2015
Love It!
divyvicki chapter 27 . 7/14/2015
Great story. Loved it.
divyvicki chapter 26 . 7/14/2015
U let her damage "The Pretty"!
divyvicki chapter 25 . 7/14/2015
People get upset over the silliest things. If all they have to worry about us whether u selected the correct genre for ur fiction, then they are indeed blessed! They need to get a life. I wasn't sure about this story when I started it, but it's become one of my favorites.
divyvicki chapter 24 . 7/8/2015
Guess I didn't realize she was living in Indiana. I guess I just assumed she lived in Washington.
divyvicki chapter 23 . 7/8/2015
Oh, no! I got a bad feeling about that new body guard.
divyvicki chapter 22 . 7/8/2015
Great chapter. Too bad she can't go with him one the press tour.
divyvicki chapter 21 . 7/2/2015
Yeah! I loved the way that chapter ended. Destroyed camera ! Way to go Edward. Hope they charge James wit assault.
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