Reviews for Horrible Pity
MarcellaDuchamp chapter 1 . 7/14/2012
Oh Azula. What a beautiful character fic that shows insight into Azula's reactionary character - like Zuko she is driven by that which is external to herself, although she responds to those things in a much different way. You showed how her charm and calculation can wreck havoc even with the smallest effort, and how her desires and actions towards others are often compensatory for a sort of lack. Poor Mai.
General Maraxus chapter 1 . 2/1/2012
...remind me to take notes from Azula on deception. Awh I thought this would be a lovely ending but it wasn't... ah well still enjoyable to read though
Teefarino chapter 1 . 5/8/2011
Gaahh I love Azula and how horrible she is. Her making all that stuff up just to ruin Mai and Zuko's time is so perfect for her. And even though I do not like Mai and Zuko as a pair together, I must admit that they were ADORABLE and you wrote them really cutely. Also, Ty Lee has like the worst excuses ever in this... LOL. When she said that there was a burst of wind, I was like, "Why are there airbenders around?" ...but then I got it. Anyway, I really enjoyed this little story! :)

strange-summer-melancholy chapter 1 . 2/22/2011
This was a good fic! You did Azula super well, i think that it needs a sequel! ;)