Reviews for Forgotten Love
Susan chapter 14 . 5/14/2016
Ooh it's soon cute. Of course it's a little bit unfair that those sweet children aren't grimmjow 's but the way he accepted them almost made me cry. So I really enjoyed this ff I'm ready to read it one more time, expecially these sweet heart touching part :3
MssCassandra chapter 14 . 1/28/2014
Yeee that was amazing!
clobojojo chapter 14 . 1/31/2012
Me I personally enjoyed the story. I'm sad that there was so much rape and despair.. But in the end it turned out alright. Still gives me the shivers with the triplets at the end. DX but such as the second story I wouldn't know. Maybe the real fathers come after them? Or have the kids wonder why they don't look like grimmjow.. Lol more pairingsmore pregnancies! Which babies! :3 what ever you make up I will read it! :P
MissPessimist chapter 14 . 6/14/2011
Great story! I'm glad you finished it.

I hope you do a sequel, I really like your story line and how you show us the characters.

Great work!
yaoilover6969 chapter 14 . 6/13/2011
awesome job on the story and i can't wait to read the sequel and you did an awesome job again and keep up the awesome work!
yaoilover6969 chapter 13 . 6/2/2011
YES YES YES you should make a sequel i loved this story and i want to find out what happends -
Snow Flake Falling From Sky chapter 12 . 5/26/2011
I figured it was Aizen's doing in making Ulqui believe Grimmjow had left him for another but when I read it I got MAD O.O xD

I heart this chapter, absolutely Heart it. However, I feel Aizen is just a complete Asshole who might be toying with Byakuya's emotions. I mean, no 'lover' would try to intentionally hurt their partner physically and mentally. I can't wait until Byakuya sticks to his words and slaughters Aizen with his bare hands, I really can't.

I'll be patientally waiting for the next chapter )
JELLY BEANNIE chapter 1 . 5/25/2011
D: Update soon- pwease~ :)
Snow Flake Falling From Sky chapter 11 . 5/21/2011
Oh my god. The Grimmjow and Renji part got me so pissed off, I'm not even joking. I am so tempted to just throw my laptop at the wall. However, I'm believing it was just another one of Aizen's tricks but if it isn't and Grimmjow did it because he's a horny bitch, I'll break my laptop and then use my pay check to buy another one.
Okami-Princess-94 chapter 10 . 5/6/2011


MissPessimist chapter 10 . 5/6/2011
Don't even think about it.

I know that I for one like this story, and want to see the outcome, whether it be good or bad. I think the story has taken some interesting turns as of late and if you didn't finish it I would forever be left with a gaping hole in my noggin where the ending is supposed to be.

So please don't delete it.

Keep on truckin, and great job so far!
RedRocketLeaf chapter 10 . 5/6/2011
NOOO! you cant delete this! Ive just read it and you have to continue... I love ideas you have for this fic and I cant wait to see what else will happen.
SakaSandora chapter 10 . 5/5/2011
I liked it, the story just goes by really fast. It needs a little work, but don't erase it, it is still very good.
KakashiWifey chapter 10 . 5/5/2011
i know i havent been reviewing this but i really like. i want to know what happen bya
Okami-Princess-94 chapter 6 . 4/8/2011


noo Aizen don't hurt them!

they are way too cute!

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