Reviews for Strong
Sakisha chapter 1 . 1/10/2014
Woaw, only that ? Only 2 reviews ? Com'on, it deserves much more that that !
I absolutely love this OS. It's lovely, sweet, just like how I love to see them. You depicted very well how close they are for each other and how much they NEED each other. They are so relieved , so happy, and we can feel it as well. I especially love the fact that Liam as an unconditionnal faith in Break and his survival and it's refreshing. We sure all hope that he will survivre.
Gosh, sorry for my bad english, it's 1 in the morning.

This fic needs more love. It's gorgeous. Thank you for sharing this little dream !

WithaSigh chapter 1 . 5/21/2011
So lovely, i am really begining to love this pairing. Well written and even brought a tear to my eye. Well done x
I go chapter 1 . 4/3/2011
I liked it very much. I think you are very talented and it was well, very good!