Reviews for Odd One Out
Kellya chapter 1 . 9/29/2017
I just discovered this little gem. You are a masterful writer I love how you intertwined the past and present. Thank you for this wonderful story that I will treasure and re-read for years.
NotTasha chapter 8 . 4/29/2015
Great story. I love the stories where all the boys pull together to bring Ezra back from the brink. You do a great job in focusing on how each of them know Ezra, and understand how to take care of him. Well done
BM originally chapter 8 . 3/8/2014
did you ever write a short one-shot follow up about that lacrosse game? Cause if not, can I put an official request in :D

Very good story, though I'm still scratching my head wondering how I missed it since I check the mag 7 fics here still quite regularly! Perhaps I did read it but forgot...

And I loved Vin and Josiah's comments about since when did teams have to be even in lacrosse? They definitely learned it from the Indians! Hope Buck and Chris are ready for that kind of intensity. History books I've read have touched a little on the Indians and the game and described how, ah, enthusiastic those games could be...about as bad as a Viking wrestling match! And the Europeans think American Football is brutal...
Graymouse42 chapter 7 . 8/5/2013
I usually hate stories told with flashbacks, but I just love this one. You interweave past and present so smoothly - a difficult feat to manage. Thanks for sharing this little gem!
thewarpedmind1 chapter 8 . 12/5/2012
Awesome Story! Loved your take on Ezra and his upbringing. I think he's the most complex character on the show on top of that you Whumped him good. lol
Greysh chapter 8 . 4/12/2012
very nice fic! I loved the ezra womp -and the others rescueing him.
Patz1989 chapter 8 . 1/18/2012
Yay I really liked this one. I put it in the top 10. I guess goes to read next one
Ladynwaiting chapter 8 . 11/22/2011
NOW THIS WAS AMAZING! I am a Chris Lover,but Ezra is my 3rd favorite,Vin my 2nd one / then Nathan,JD,jOSIAH,buck last. But,I do like all 7 men together. but loved this story!
Aelan010 chapter 1 . 8/24/2011
You are officially my favorite author in the M7 verse. You, Sablecain, and InnocentCulprit. I'm seriously addicted to your stories.
Hidden Relevance chapter 8 . 4/10/2011
Good god in heaven.. this was like.. the Ezrawhump epic of the year.. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I don't blame him for being pissed at you now! lol

Sheesh! and dude.. lacrosse.. really? That just sounds like a baaaaaaaaaad idea with this bunch.. though I imagine a later whump by lacrosse stick fic is almost inevitable now lol
V chapter 8 . 3/20/2011
I just spent a few hours this Sunday going through all your stories. You are a fantastic author and I enjoyed each and every one of your stories. Kudos and keep going. I have you on my must read list.
sfulton229 chapter 8 . 3/19/2011
Such a happy ending! Ezra is more at peace and feels closer to the rest than before. The gentle teasing and willingness to follow directions indicates that Ezra is trusting them more. Love how he is being watched over and how easily he spots them all. Vin's perch on the roof was a nice choice. Great how Ezra is so content with all the scutiny and is enjoying the attention. They had a great discussion about what happened and it was so nice to see how they cleared the air. Ezra came up with a great example for why he doesn't blame them for what happened. Nice look at what they all do in their spare time from the battle of good vs. evil. I can see JD being the one to ask and that the others would be wanting to know as well. Very interesting hobbies and Nathan's version of chess would be extra challenging. Love the lacrosse answer; Ezra enjoyed that and it would be a terrific way to remove that bad memory. Buck making sure it is the lacrosse with the sticks and the mud was too funny. I'm glad that they are looking forward to the game and I would love to see them play. Thank you so much for such a great Ezra whumper and I'm looking forward to more!
Terry Kay chapter 8 . 3/16/2011
Nothing is out of place in fan fiction! Nice ending. thank you!
JudyL068 chapter 8 . 3/13/2011
Hey Alex,

Great story. I like that they all have the same interest. I really enjoyed this story and Ezra's good spirits at the end. Thanks for sharing, JudyL
lunaz chapter 8 . 3/12/2011
A highly enjoyable read. I liked how the each man responded to Ezra in their own way.
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