Reviews for Mario Mario and the Hylian Stone
Guest chapter 21 . 10/11/2017
Is dark pit going to be gilderoy Lockhart in the second book? Or maybe falco?
Smashgunner chapter 8 . 1/5/2016
I spy a chuggaaconroy reference
Smashgunner chapter 7 . 1/5/2016
Soooooooo...Luigi's the bad guy?
Smashgunner chapter 5 . 1/5/2016
You put in chuck Norris. You have my respect gamer4!
CoronaCrown chapter 18 . 7/31/2015
Not Dedede?! Geez, you really set is up for a plot twist, didn't you?!
jgerm27 chapter 20 . 6/14/2015
Thank you for making this, I liked everything that you have done in the story, especially the small stuff like the flavor of the candy Master Hand eats. I loved that you didn't make the ending predictable to anyone who has read the book or seen the movie, and I was especially fond of the characters you chose to take place of the various Harry Potter character. This is one of the best fanfictions I have ever read and I know that I will enjoy the rest of the books you write about.
jgerm27 chapter 11 . 6/13/2015
I loved that you used Captain Falcon's catchphrase in the conversation with Mario. "and you'll have to SHOW ME YOUR MOVES."
jgerm27 chapter 1 . 6/12/2015
The first chapter has already got me hooked. I have read all of the harry potter books and I think this will be a fine retelling of the story.
Prodigy411 chapter 20 . 1/10/2015
Thanks! I made a fanfic inspired by this, Mario Mario and the Pikmanian Stone, but I gave you credit. Best fanfic I've read ever! Good job. Go Nintendo!
Prodigy411 chapter 5 . 1/9/2015
Good job hiding Twisted Lane location.
On a score of 1 to 10, i give it an 11...
Or a 3.14159...
Prodigy411 chapter 2 . 1/9/2015
You are a GREAT author...
Too bad both of those are trademarked...

Oh, and I got an idea.
In the series of unfortunate events, there is a man named
and people teased like,
"How are you how are you, Montgomery Montgomery?""
Repeats intended.

Use the same joke for Mario Mario... Draco Malfoy of this series maybe?
Sheena Kushiashi chapter 4 . 11/2/2014
I hope you don't think I'm crazy or something, but I'm catchig a lot of Starkid references... C:
Guest chapter 12 . 10/9/2014
Of course, Calvin's dad.
Destiny Willowleaf chapter 5 . 7/29/2014
As I reread this, I saw SO MANY FUNNY THINGS!
In another castle
Do a barrel Roll
Ano lisa no more?
LilyStoutland37 chapter 9 . 7/25/2014
Hey! Lily here! Love the story, but the "Fat Lady" should maybe be wearing a teal dress instead of a pink one. Just 'cause she's Rosalina and everything. But of course, I will always trust the author. Bye!
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