Reviews for Aílouros
Arceus Insanity chapter 17 . 8/28
Any chance of this being continued?
DarthRevan00 chapter 17 . 5/31
A good story, too bad you won't continue it.
Mite3 chapter 17 . 4/27
Ah shit man, this fan fic hass beeen soooo fuckkkiinnnggg GREATTTT! I don't know if that last chapter has been recent, or fairly old, but i do hope you do continue this fanfic. Your a talented writer, only having a few grammer mistakes. But it still doesnt really change the fact that the way you put things into detail to make an image, and to decript the feelings of a character is brilliantly excuted. Only thing i hate is that when a lemon is seemingly about to happen, it doesnr, and it takes like what, a yea for you to do another lemon? Idk im lovin it anyways, but i hope the next lemon gets juicier lmao. Anyhoo, plz keep writing, your just great man, loved reading every bit of this. Hope your doin well, peace out.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/17
I think I just realized tai lung is pronounced in a way that if spoken with intention of speaking Chinese, tai lung's name literally means combat dragon, that has to be the awesomest name to ever exist
DarkGirlMagic chapter 1 . 4/13
Wow just wow. This story was so well written the only critique I have is that it's not finished, I mean it was getting so good then just like that you stopped. Please if even possible come and finish the story I'm willing to read it regardless the wait. It would be highly appreciated if you continued but if not still thank you for the great story:-)
Nusa Afridi chapter 17 . 1/23
And that's how a FANTASTIC story is left undone...AGAIN!, seriously what's wrong with you people abandoning cool stories! !?, PLEASE !, IF YOU THERE I BEGGING YOU TO CONTINUE , PLEASE PLEASE !.
Aavarosiscool chapter 17 . 12/9/2019
I love this so much! Even more so when Singapore was mentioned becuz I'm a local there, keep up the good work :)
Guest chapter 17 . 10/25/2019
This story is so good ahahahah it's a blessing
Guest chapter 17 . 10/1/2019
Howdy! I just want you to know that much as I don't actually like fan-fiction, yours is intriguing and enjoyable. I found myself up all night the night before just eating up your chapters. I understand life happens, and I hope things are well with you, I mean no pressure but I must say I am excited to read more! Thank you for sharing your passion and creativity!
Guest chapter 17 . 1/15/2019
Porfiii siguela me encanta esta hist
Guest chapter 17 . 12/19/2018
Really really good! I honestly think this is one of the most original and intriguing fanfics I’ve seen
Reeeeeeeeeee chapter 15 . 11/27/2018
Guest chapter 15 . 7/14/2018
I’m crying. Tai Lung is now the Oogie Boogie Man of Tigress’ dreams lmaooo I caught your reference. Hope life is treating you well as I try to catch up on this wonderful fanfic you have written. Much support to you you as you write!
- Chaninese (ao3)
Guest chapter 17 . 7/13/2018
Oye no se porque dejaste de escribir pero si puedes continúa porta me encanta y quiero ver el final porfa espero
Mary ruiz chapter 17 . 7/8/2018
Wow...volvi a leer tu trabajo completo , Y cuando menciono completo me refiero a que en realidad no habia leido sus notas,ya sabes, antes del capitulo,parte de arriba...Bueno ,el caso es que me entere que escribes con un año de plazo ..y que llevas escribiendo la fanfiction durante casi 7 años,obviamente si contar el 2018 , Realmente admiro tu persistencia, ya que todos dirian -"Whaa.. ¿Como le hace el tipo para mantenerse creativo despues de tanto tiempo?" .Y yo que me desespere con una espera de 5 meses ,¿Lo Pillas? Pero lo bueno no brota de la nada, Tomate tu tiempo amigo...Se que lo haras genial (;
... No te frustres ,Ni te amanezcas escribiendo tio, Aunque pasen años Valdra la pena la espera ya has hecho un gran trabajo, Espero y puedas escribirnos pronto ...CHAO!
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