Reviews for Contagious Chemistry
AutumnLady95 chapter 5 . 1/31/2012
please please update! im loving your story!
David Fishwick chapter 5 . 9/16/2011
I hope there is more soon as I am enjoying the story so far. I liked how you wrote the Forwood romance so far.
Ornella85Xx chapter 5 . 7/26/2011

please update soon?pretty please?
chillwithJyl chapter 5 . 7/21/2011
andsoitis2 chapter 5 . 7/21/2011
Ugh matthew and jules, great chapter im loving this story :)
allenetrop chapter 4 . 7/4/2011
Those two are adorable. 3

Can't wait to see what's next on the menu. Please update soon.
chillwithJyl chapter 4 . 6/21/2011
andsoitis2 chapter 4 . 6/20/2011
Oh my poor OTP, wonderful chapter.
EarthhAngel chapter 3 . 5/27/2011
This story is absolutely amazing. Please PLEASE Update. This story, and hopefully some others like it will be my salvation until the third season comes to CW, and until I can get the DVD of Season 2. This is absolutely Amazing. You are an awesome author. I do have one request though, maybe you could make your chapters longer by adding more detail, the length is good right now, but more detail would involve readers more, and it would give a more well rounded and fleshed out appreciation for the story. Terrific as is, but this could be EPIC! Thank you so much for having the inspiration to write this.
chillwithJyl chapter 3 . 5/24/2011
Loved it! Update soon please. :D
andsoitis2 chapter 3 . 5/24/2011
Great chapter, cant wait for more :)
knp10 chapter 2 . 5/10/2011
LOVING THIS STORY! I cant wait for more, after the last episode when I almost cryed my eyes out, I fell even more in love with the idea of Tyler and Caroline.
Zoey24 chapter 2 . 5/10/2011
Nice story! Can't wait to read more!
InuNekoLexi chapter 2 . 5/10/2011
*awaits next installment with anxious anticipation*
chillwithJyl chapter 2 . 5/1/2011
SO EXCITED! I love you for not making this a one-shot!
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