Reviews for Fangs and Fantasies
kurodragon99 chapter 1 . 10/27/2012
Sweet like the plot and story...
SkittleGoddess chapter 1 . 1/20/2012
Absolutely love it! Wonderful portrayal of Kakashi and Iruka as vampires.
Review Master chapter 1 . 8/15/2011
You spelled "now's" instead of "knows"! But that's about it! It's fine! But this is a old story (I think). I didn't look at the date! I like it! This was actually my first Kakashi and Iruka fanfic! Maybe I'll read more...hmmm... I'm reading your One Piece too! Me likey! :D
Shadow Cat From Hell chapter 1 . 3/12/2011
I like it, it's pretty good. And funny at times.

There is a small mistake that I noticed near the bottom.

"So Iruka, now that my crush now's I like them..."

Between crush and I the now's should be knows, I'm sure it was just a typo :)
xxCloudEnvyxx chapter 1 . 3/7/2011
this was really cute! great job with the story; short, sweet and fun.
ravarath chapter 1 . 3/4/2011
I usually don't like vampire fics, but this was great! Funny and cute. Good job :)
Prescripto13 chapter 1 . 3/4/2011
"No. No no no. That couldn't be it. It wasn't true. No. Not him, no wa—

'Yes I am, Iruka. Just like you.'"

I read this part and thought, "Oh man, he's good." The look on Iruka's face would have been priceless!