Reviews for The Ultimate Guide to Gratuitous German
Guest chapter 1 . 2/10/2015
I liked this, especially #7 achtung baby.
Ayans Dead Account chapter 1 . 10/29/2012
Thanks, this is really useful, even outside of the AA fandom.
I was wondering, how much changes if one if them is a child? Especially the whole Bruder and alternatives thing...
Mad.Man.Alice chapter 1 . 8/16/2011
Thanks so much :3 I would make a lot of mistakes had I not read this. Now I can start writing and not be worried about my lack of German knowledge :D It gave me the idea of a fanfiction though, all the problems you mentioned X3
Lammie chapter 1 . 5/24/2011
Ich muss zugeben, dass ich von Phoenix Wright keine Ahnung habe, doch irgendwie bin ich trotzdem auf euren Guide gestoßen.

Mich hat er jedenfalls ziemlich amüsiert, vor allem der Satz "Trust me, you don't want your protagonist to walk into a bear instead of a bar, do you?"

Ich konnte nicht mehr aufhören zu Lachen. xD

Hoffen wir mal, dass es den englischsprachigen FF-Autoren helfen wird. ;)
RiddikulusGrin chapter 1 . 3/13/2011
Thank you! I must admit, I'm shocked to descover you're german. Your english so good! (if only I could speak french that way - my exams would be so much easier).

I'm a klavier/ema writer, so this is very, very useful. I'm bookmarking the page for when I'm writing klavier scenes. XD Thanks so much!
Sanxian chapter 1 . 3/9/2011
Best guide ever, seriously. I don't know much of german, but the Achtung-abuse in most fics always bothered me to no end, since it's pretty much one of the only german words I know and I always thought it sounded misplaced on most sentences I read.

Then again, Klavier DOES achtung-abuse a lot in-game, if I'm not mistaken 8D