Reviews for The Unwelcome Courtship of a Fake Gentleman
YukiShirano chapter 6 . 9/15/2017
Its been 5 years. Is this fic discontinued?
C.I.Mela chapter 6 . 6/6/2013
I really like this story ,it's nice and different from the others ..I wonder if you will continue it?
Deidara Crack Remix chapter 6 . 12/23/2012
Saw author's note and got really sad then realized they aren't discontinued, so no longer sad. Great story, I look forward ton seeing what happens next! Please do continue... because it'd be really sad if you didn't haha
Deidara Crack Remix chapter 1 . 12/23/2012
I'm just gonna start by reviewing the first chapter and say, lol wow dude. I've got to say a lot of the phrases you used made me cringe, BUT they did make me laugh too, so thumbs up for you. The one thing that caught me off guard was the "carpet-munching" sex cause I mean, I tried to piece it together and all I got was "Lesbian sex?" so I was confused by that. But all in all, this is wonderful. I'm excited. I never find stories anymore that are so stupid, but at the same time, just so fucking beautiful... Because I mean... this is so fucking beautiful...
RoxanneTheGreat chapter 6 . 12/20/2012
Can't wait for more!
switmikan74 chapter 1 . 11/15/2012
Love it!
Asshu-chan chapter 6 . 7/29/2012
OH MY FU- this is the most amazing story I have ER read in the entirety of my life ever! It is so funny and I just love every single thing about it! I do hope u update soon! Please! ;A;

HeiHeiTstesetyun chapter 3 . 6/28/2012
Wow, I love this chapter. xD Your style of writing is so unique; it's absolutely hilarious, and I adore all the humor you put into your story. :) Nice work!
yoink chapter 1 . 6/14/2012
you are god my friend xD I love your writing style :DD it's so funny and I loved god's license plate xD I lol'd so loud my mother came to check up on me:) keep up the fantastic work :DD
rein hitomi chapter 6 . 6/6/2012
Oh god, just when I decided to review my brain failed to process the fact that I...decided to review. Maybe have something worthwhile to say. Which is a total lie, I can't for the life of me think of a decent comment (ohohoho suddenly dirty-talking crossed my already France-d mind) but meh. I gotta leave a review. I just have to.

So! I absolutely love your fic. I think it is one of the most fan-fcking-tabulous Romance/Humor USUK fics I have ever read from the now M-rated-stories-chucking-out-of-the-proverbial-window (just whyyyy? D:). But what I love the most is your writing style - particularly the way you narrate. I have a thing for those kinds of narration. Easy-going and fun; it's a nice break from the more serious, usually drama/angst-laden USUK fics out there. (still read them to torture myself, though) It's awesome. :D And yes, your characterization is also awesome.

...Okaaay, I have ran out of things to say. :/ If I had the foresight to record/take a picture of myself while reading this, then you'd see the shit-eating grin plastered on my face the entire time I was reading your story. Creeped out my younger sisters though, so yeah no pictures. Damn.

(On a completely off-tangent note, LOL I kept on reading til chapter 5 while only listening to 'Kokomo' by The Beach Boys. I could totally see Alfie singing that to Arthur.. Also, I had a similar experience when I watched The Avengers. XD When I saw Captain America I was like 'Holy fvck it's America slash Alfred Fcking Jones!' and I had to physically restrain myself from...fangasming so hard. And jumping up and down in fangirly glee. It was hard.)

Happy belated birthday, by the way. :) And looking forward to your next update!
alguien22792 chapter 5 . 6/4/2012
LOL I love Gilbert! ;D

Update soon please! I can't wait to know Alfred's reaction!
alguien22792 chapter 3 . 6/4/2012
LOL this is way too funny! XD
Deikus-Is-Hellbound chapter 6 . 6/3/2012
ooooooh jesus shines on me today! I damn near want to do a fucking backflip right now (and probably smash in my face trying XD) im so happy! Hooooray!

And i joined! I was serious XD

And im glad that my reviews made your conscious slap you in the face. Ill give it a cookie sometime XD
Deikus-is-hellbound chapter 5 . 6/3/2012
Ok, ive decided. I'm goin to fuckin' join this damn website to read dis awesomeness. this is the shit. Though i actually looked at the date this time, and it has indeed been awhile since this has been touched, but hey, cant hurt to try, right?

So heres the erm, review part i guess? I find this HILARIOUS. I was giggling my damn ass off the whole time. Thank you so much for that! I needed that laugh xD. I must admit, that the whole time i was reading this chapter, i was sitting there muttering 'please dont end after this paragraph' over and over. It is just that entertaining. You, my friend, have some comical talent. Does this shit just pop into your head? Because it would take me YEARS to think of something as marvelous as this. I was so excited to see the introduction of the other contires, and ore-sama just made my day even more. He Would SO do that. I smiled to myself as soon as he picked up dat phone. Anyway, beyond the senseless babble that i could be writing all day, you have, once again, gotten the characters spot on. I damn near bruised my nose face-palming myself at Alfred. What a moron, but an adorable moron. Also, i love your portrayal of Francis, because it is quite refreshing from the normal view of 'pervert rapist man' that has plagued most fans eyes. Beyond the characters, i love how the plot is neatly sewn together and it all flows nicely together in a non-awkward, non-cheesy way. The one thing that i absolutely DESPISE (but that i can be guilty of at times) is that fics seem to often have a very cheesy plot that you know only happens in the minds of day-dreaming fans and at times dont even make sense. But you, you have broken through this baricade. The whole plot in this story feels legit to me, i im not sitting there rolling my eyes the whole time, and i like that. I feel like im watching an uberly-awesome movie with Alfred and Arthur as the stars. Maybe it would be one of those movies where you go 'oh crap _'s gonna be at the register when _ is there' but the predictability is well-played and fucking ADORABLE. I want to cuddle this story till my arms fall off. I swear, if you finished this, i would 100% buy this from you. No lies. Jesus save me! Please write more to this story! I'm beggin ya.

Though, seeing how it says this came out over a year ago, i find it highly unlinkely, i will still ask ya anyhow :)
ayanami-verloren chapter 5 . 10/26/2011
UPDATE! or i'll hunt you to the ends of the earth!(inner BELARUS coming out)and by any chance update(update, if you know what's good for you)can you make a love triangle, FRUK is fine but it gets a little bit stale... how about PRUK or you'll be a total goddess for if you do this,RUUK. Well it's damn obvious im a little crazy over Russia and I admit i'm highly insane on this loveteam. I totally love your story and I'm sorry for threatening you Russia is just getting to me kolkolkolkolkol...
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