Reviews for Against All Odds
Angie38 chapter 3 . 5/12/2011
I love this story.
bickering-sidekicks chapter 3 . 4/21/2011
Sigh. If I owned glee...

Well. I'd somehow get rid of Klaine. Like maybe Blaine could pair off with that Gap dude.

..I dislike Blaine. I love Darren Criss, but...

And of course SantanaKarofsky friendship would be in the show

And I would make Santana bi. Because I support SamSantana.



Oh fuck you Santana. Stop being such a bitch. -.-

(I'm more of a Karofsky supporter than anything.)

But Santana apologized! Yay!
1FictionFanatic1 chapter 3 . 4/10/2011
You know, I'm not really a fan of Dave/Santana friendship...but you've turned me into a HUGE FAN :D This is amazing.

Please update!
BrittFabulous chapter 3 . 4/4/2011
oh please tell me you will be updating soon? this is my favorite dave/santana fic. plz! lol
Lazielow chapter 3 . 4/3/2011
Awesome job ! XP

I can't wait for the next update.
boldlikeblack chapter 3 . 3/30/2011
I love them together. I would really, really love for them to be friends. I would also love for you to write a story about them being roommates in college and people being really, really surprised.
xanman chapter 3 . 3/23/2011
So good! Wish they could swear like this on TV, because you KNOW they want to. Especially Santana. Reading your updates is such a treat: I can hear their voices in my head! Keep truckin'!
sabrine94 chapter 3 . 3/22/2011
omg i want to read the next chapter already. mallkurtblanie...update soon :D
M chapter 1 . 3/22/2011

I love dave and santannas weird little friendship! Please keep this up!
khemicalpink chapter 3 . 3/22/2011
Awesome fic! I love the budding friendship between Dave and Santana.
Nemesis.63 chapter 3 . 3/22/2011
The more I read your fic, the more I love it. I like what you're doing of Dave (and the last sentence of the chapter was genius, I like this image of Dave alone in the park with such a thought). But the way you get Santana is what I like the most.

The characters are true to themselves, still badasses but slowly growing up.

Keep it like that !
BrittFabulous chapter 2 . 3/21/2011
im really enjoying ur story so far! i feel like they are in character then most stories i read. and the new friendship between dave and santana is so cute and hilarious. i love their little chats. please update soon!
creaturefear chapter 2 . 3/20/2011
Awh, how much do I love these two together :)
sabrine94 chapter 2 . 3/18/2011
i love their friendship..they really do help each other out with their similer problems. i also like that dave is jealous it shows how much he acually cares for kurt. the next chapter should be dave and santana go shopping and ran into kurt and blaine...just an idea you could make it more interseting though. well anyway kept writing :D
xanman chapter 2 . 3/17/2011
I love their secret gay friendship platonic affair! Thanks so much for posting this today: Paleyfest spoilers had me blue. This was the perfect antidote, although wow - do you have a long way to go before Kurtofsky! Have fun.
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