Reviews for A Stormy Night's Encounter
Aronim chapter 1 . 10/29/2018
Nice little shot. And the viewpoint of Wybie's grandma is relatively novel in this fandom, so that was nice too. Always fun to be in the head a nice old lady with suspicions.
Lexie H chapter 1 . 3/22/2015
Aww, if only they were older this could get so adorable so fast without going into the gutter lol... plus since they're like 12 in this story it'd be weird if they did ANYTHING but 'snuggle' lol
fish-egirl chapter 1 . 5/11/2013
(0o0) This is adorable! (0o0)
Sesquipedalia chapter 1 . 3/23/2013
I just go with motorbike. It's a little retro, but, honestly, that's the best word for it.
Blacksword 1 chapter 1 . 11/26/2012
Great story very heartwarming
hi chapter 1 . 3/18/2012
ya some people do that to there bike its kinda cool so like lazy people they dont have to petal and its faster
Little Miss Jonesy chapter 1 . 11/16/2011
Naaaaaw, thats soooo cute...

Poor Coraline, ran through the storm to get there...

Nice work, loved this story... Bam! Addet to favorittes!

Keep writig, don't you dare stop... or little miss Jonesy will make you!
PrayerGirl chapter 1 . 11/14/2011
This was very cute and sweet!
TickleTheToast chapter 1 . 10/30/2011
This deserves more reviews than it has. :) It was very sweet, and I loved the part with Gramma and the cat at the end. :D

Keep writing!

SilverpawRawr chapter 1 . 6/3/2011
creepydollgirl chapter 1 . 4/27/2011
i think its a moped or some kind of a scooter hmm i had one but some jerk took it like a year ago :[ and i am really good with a scooter if you know what i mean but any way yes i want more of that story please
NoodleMan chapter 1 . 3/19/2011
omg that was pure awesomeness :D
MazzyBooks chapter 1 . 3/17/2011
Aww this story is so awesome :D cant wait for the crashing fic :3