Reviews for Changing the Subject
naomis8329 chapter 1 . 5/2/2012
I found this to be very funny and enjoyed it so much. I do hope that you continue with it at some point.

Thank you

YeOldeDAFan chapter 1 . 3/29/2011
I'm very glad to see a Fenris/Hawke (or at least leaning that way) story with a mage Hawke. I'd love to see that dynamic explored by more authors. If we can just get a Blood Mage Hawke in there for good measure...
Riana1 chapter 1 . 3/28/2011
so cute.
Emma'lath chapter 1 . 3/19/2011
This is too. cute.

I love how you've depicted their relationship; it's playful while retaining a delicious tension that keeps an interesting balance throughout.

I liked this line waaay too much: "He chewed on his lip a moment, then leaned forward, eyes hard on hers." Rawr. Is it hot in here, or is it just me?

Great job! I really hope you continue this!
Delsch89 chapter 1 . 3/17/2011
Very nicely written. Really enjoyed reading it! Keep up the good work, you write a wonderful Fenris.

As for Hawke, describe ahead. Personally, I don't mind reading about other Hawke's.
lotusflwr chapter 1 . 3/17/2011
Really well done! The witty back-and-forth is just what I'd imagine from Hawke & Fenris, especially a mage Hawke.

I personally love when people write their main character with descriptions and a name, so I say go for it!

I was kind of surprised that Hawke would call Fenris a knife-ear in her head though - I always thought that was a pretty racist slur for elves and not something that a friend would say. I think I have heard friendly banter say some less innocuous stuff like pointy-ears, but maybe that was just the impression I got.

I really enjoyed your story. I was rather on the fence about Fenris when I started playing but now I think he's all the more interesting for his flaws and convictions and you really captured and distilled his essence. Hawke was equally spot-on, funny, sarcastic, strong yet baffled by how Fenris gets under her skin.

I love love love it all.
Ariannel chapter 1 . 3/17/2011
Cute story. I really enjoyed the back and forth between LadyHawke and Fenris. I'm curious to see what he thought of her cooking and if their dinner together changed their relationship.

Regarding LadyHawke's description - I'm not really disrupted if LadyHawke is described in a certain way. I know some like her to go undescribed so they can imagine their own Hawke but I kinda like imagining different versions. Makes them unique to me. So, my opinion is keeping on writing about your red-haired Hawke. )
McNeko chapter 1 . 3/17/2011
That was adorable!