Reviews for SRK Rennaissance Man
watlocked chapter 1 . 4/20/2016
I would like to start this review by saying that I'm not a fan of slash fics BUT this is not a flaming critique, I promise.
I love this story.
It's so finely crafted, with such detail and thought put into every aspect of it, and the writing style is so lovely to read.
It's a piece of artwork; beautiful, expertly crafted, true to the characters' voices - I just couldn't NOT review it.
melissen chapter 1 . 11/1/2014
Excellent description of Ray. I loved it. Ben was kind of left behind but the story was great. I just wish it was longer, showing what happened later...
Ride-Forever chapter 1 . 2/15/2012
Finely voiced characterizations and compelling story line! Wonderful combination of original ideas along with inclusion of canon. I love when Ray is competent!Ray and I madly, madly love how you show him approaching the situation of The Hand of Franklin as if it were a police investigation. Some very good Dief bits, too. And I totally ship Fraser/RayK, so of course I loved the conclusion.

The only thing I question in this fic, being myself a native Chicagoan, is Ray calling the University "uni," which in RL I only hear Europeans say.
Kris chapter 1 . 10/1/2011
Very sweet.
storyspeaker chapter 1 . 4/13/2011
A wonderful story. Certainly not a pairing I would have thought about, but then I didn't really think on any particular pairings, whether het or slash, for this show. So thank-you for sharing it.
KirstyMD chapter 1 . 4/7/2011
This whole story is fantastic, the last few paragraphs are possibly some of the most beautiful I have ever read (and I have an English Lit degree!). Thankyou
talon81 chapter 1 . 4/3/2011
OH MY GOD! this is one of the best due south fiction I have read in a long time and I have read many! it had everything! and everyone in it and it worked so well, you had some nice hurt comfort. big fan of that, and! you had ray find the ships! amazing I loved it! awesome job!
Meggplant chapter 1 . 3/26/2011
loved! more RK/BF is so alright with me. :) i especially love that though you keep Ray as close to the canon!Ray we know and love, you also allow him to show the intellectual side and the love of learning knew things that they only hinted at in the actual show. a masters from UofT! I'm actually from the t-dot, and went to uni here, so it's lovely that you referenced it. i imagined Ray at my old college with my old history profs, who were indeed quite intense when they got going! thanks! :) well done! and what a lovely ending to the Quest!


reflekshun chapter 1 . 3/25/2011
Thank you for sharing such a good install!
CaliaDragon chapter 1 . 3/25/2011
This was a fantastic story. I loved seeing Ray and Fraser make a life together. It was wonderful to see Ray as he helped the enviroment and got the due he deserved.


joniskpelare chapter 1 . 3/24/2011
I love Ray's approach to investigations and how it works out. It is nice to see them together in the end.
LoMaRiBa chapter 1 . 3/23/2011
This was very good. It's been awhile since I've read a Due South fic and this really touched the spot! Thanks! :)
Saharra Shadow chapter 1 . 3/23/2011
Oh, this is a lovely story! I was so excited when I got the notice that you'd posted a new one and it more than met my expectations. I truly hope that there might be a sequel, but if not I'll be content with re-reading this and your other works. Is there the possibility of continuations on some of your other stories?