Reviews for Psyche
MasterKurama chapter 1 . 12/3/2019
I really like story and I think it's cute that Naruto and Kensuke like each other but don't want to admit that.
I hope that the story will continue.
Noradin chapter 13 . 7/25/2016
It was fun to read this story again, still as good as it always was.
Narue-Nara-chan chapter 13 . 6/3/2016
Thank you for the update! (Good planning skills there, Naruto XD)
thor94 chapter 13 . 5/29/2016
finally a new chapter after two years.
interesting, so naruto left the hopital to live with kenzuke and his team take the exam (poor naruto, feel kinda lonely).

Look like kenzuke doesn't want other think naruto is linked to him or even linked to mito and her famous clan.

Naruto know more about kakashi past (about that when you plan naruto know about his parents?)
and kenzuke detected shukaku and will start his training.

hope you will have naruto awake some badass uzumaki bloodline to balance his loss give him faith for his dream (like awake the chakra chain, inborn prodigy talent with fuinjutsu, badas uzumaki sensor ability like karin able to sense even jinchuriki in long range). you can tell the seal locked his clan genetic talent and the incident awake them and have naruto proving to kenzuke and the bastard uchiha he is a true uzumaki and worth to be part of the clan.
swordsmanwielder chapter 12 . 10/6/2015
Yes, inoichi and good read I read it before and when are you going to update this story?
thor94 chapter 12 . 3/6/2015
really can't wait next chapter.
what will happen about naruto shinobi career after losing the few shinobi skills he had?
Raccoon Child chapter 12 . 9/27/2014
I love this fic so much, I don't need to see it finish to consider it one of my all-time favorites. Naruto and Kurama are my favorite characters, and the plot is just so interesting, I can't get enough of it; every chapter is a treat. Just... thank you for sharing this story. (Also, I love that Inoichi has a big role in it because he's awesome and you make him even better.)
Inuyashas bloody moon chapter 12 . 9/22/2014
I like, please update.
Mikeman8 chapter 12 . 9/20/2014
When is the next chapter coming out? I would really like for it to be soon because I am really interested in what is going to happen next.
Lil-lo chapter 12 . 6/21/2014
This review is proof that I do read Author's notes (I'm not sure if I've reviewed past chapters, but considering I reread the story I can try to)

First off, I am happy that you made time to update. This is truly a unique plot in that I believe I have come across this idea in fics before, and the level at which you've had the characters ponder such large concepts like identity are really a joy to read.

Next, That Cliffie *lower lip bite*! Oh Inochi (really oh author), setting the audience up because we know Gaara is on the way...there is already going to be some big changes for characters we haven't seen too much of. Naruto's team will have to face Orochimaru without him, but events might change even before that because Gaara & family bumped into the team before they made it to the arena. Then again, now Naruto won't be able to fight Gaara so really I'm just sitting here wondering how the exams will change since it sounds like Gaara is going to be involved with our plot.

Then there's Naruto's realization that he does like Kensuke, and that beautiful moment I'm glad that you wrote with Inochi telling Naru he was proud of him.

I guess my other thing is I'm also curious about Mito's journals. I hope that Kyu-K eventually realizes he might not hate Naruto as much as he's trying to, but realistically I know Naru is seen as a barrier to his true goals, and right now it would be OOC. Part of me feels bad for Naru's feelings.
Emeraldpichu chapter 1 . 6/7/2014
This is a remarkable story, to be blunt the elements you use to make this story work are incredibly hard to come by in a serious fashion. I do enjoy how the main relationship is actually built the interactions between the characters and not a gaudy, grandiose spectacle with no grounding or worth like most romances of this variety. I am a bit concerned about how long the update take to arrive but one cannot say they are not worthwhile.
Manga Ren chapter 12 . 6/7/2014
Dang good chapter. I started reading this chapter and i was like when did i read this story so i had to start from the beginning and then i remembered! So happy you updated it and cant wait to read more of it
thor94 chapter 12 . 6/6/2014
Poor!poor naruto, his life sucks.
Naruto lost his stamina, vitality and regeneration (that is, all of his shinobi skills but his stubborness)
He missed chuunin exams.
And Kensuke doesn't care about naruto.
at least kensuke has his incredibly memory and smart and maybe other powers.
with this incident naruto lost everything, how shinobi life will turn to him?
thor94 chapter 11 . 5/3/2014
really interesting story.
Poor naruto, he put his life on the to save kyuu-kensuke and he claims his love to mito.
Now naruto thinks never someone will like/love him.
Not forget the fact that everyone hide to naruto the identity of his parents.
I really want you don't give up this fic and write next chapters.
She who quacks alot chapter 11 . 11/26/2013
Why doesn't this fic have more reveiws?! Its so well written! And has a realistic kyuubi pov ( which is hard)! ... Im a little disapointed that it hasnt been updated recently, but im baffled by the lack of reviews that this fic rightfully deserves.
I hope you update soon.
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