Reviews for Softly
Ye Anony Mouse chapter 7 . 7/10/2014
What a lovely read.
kou32 chapter 1 . 6/21/2013
...Damn. it good, just wow.
ShadowCub chapter 7 . 12/23/2012
Damn Hawke is whipped and not in a good way.
Pallid Psychopath chapter 7 . 8/6/2012
This story was great! I really hope you get around to writing a sequel.
ReitFox chapter 7 . 6/11/2012
Fantastic fanfiction! I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I agree with everybody else who has said your Isabela is written in character, it's so easy to relate the ingame Hawke/Izzy relationship to this fanfiction.

Loved the ending. I feel like you couldn't have wrapped it all up any better :) Saying this, a sequel to such an awesome fic is always welcome!
Skald of Freya chapter 7 . 4/28/2011
I enjoyed this story, I did. But it's a bit out of the areas I generally enjoy. As a self-proclaimed fluff-whore I have a feeling that this story wasn't exactly targeted towards me.

Isabella is written very much in character, even if some of her underlying motivations and traits feel a bit more grim than I had imagined myself when playing the game. The other companions didn't feature that much but there was nothing that made them feel OOC.

Hawkes and Isabelas relationship is very well written and I felt you provided good emotional motivations for both of them (even if I had a hard time relating sometimes, but that's more a reflection on me). It's passionate and consuming, and it leaves them both affected. The smut (I read the AFF version) was really quite good.

The overall feel of the fic is pretty dark, but leaves you hoping for the light at the end of the tunnel. Even if the light keeps getting pushed away, again and again.

The ending was sort of bittersweet for me, it wasn't really the happy ending I was hoping for, but at least it was hopeful.

So thanks for writing and I'll be sure to read the sequel (and hoping for a more healthy relationship).
xxamoursanglant chapter 7 . 4/21/2011
I'm not sure I have left you a comment so if I did oh well I'm going to again lol... I love this story! PLease update! :D
Jendeh chapter 7 . 4/21/2011
I really loved this fic and even read the saucier version on AFF which was fantastic and made me blush a bit lol. The chemistry between Hawke and Isabela was absolutely perfect. Also I just loved the heartache and obsession from Hawke's POV. Wonderful writing and I absolutely must beg you for a sequel! Please. Even with the wrap up I could just feel that there is more story to tell between these two.
perfectloki chapter 7 . 4/16/2011
I loved how this story kept very true to Isabela. I could totally imagine this happening in game. The ending was also fantastic. I'm glad it ended well. Looking forward to a sequel ]
alicethewolf chapter 7 . 4/14/2011
I LOVED the way that this ended. You stayed very true to Isabela's character, and it was amazing. I could just hear her through the whole thing. Great job! Looking forward to the Sequel!
Knight-XIII chapter 7 . 4/12/2011
So thats the end huh. I hope we do get a sequel, because the final chapter felt much to shirt. Though I really enjoyed the angry/make up smex. Now that was a joy to read lol.
Dragontiger96 chapter 7 . 4/12/2011
I liked how you progressed. Nice ending
Gemini1179 chapter 7 . 4/12/2011
A great end. I thought your take on the decision to use Isabela as bate coming from her instead of Hawke made more sense than Hawke suggesting it. One question though- I haven't figured out why Hawke is not allowed to touch Isabelas chest, am I missing something?

Looking forward to more. Anything that is not about FemHawke and Anders/Fenris is refreshing!
KalenCaelli chapter 7 . 4/12/2011
Nice ending.
VeggieJay chapter 7 . 4/12/2011
Excellent. Felt a weird kind of vibe there, like the transition from heartbreak/anguish to happiness in the last conversation was a little too fast. I felt like I needed some sort of in-between to go there. Some contemplation maybe while they both gather their thoughts and try to figure out what they want to say and where they want the relationship to go. I understand how the conversation flows and how it makes sense, but some sort of reflective filler would have done the trick. After all, it was 3 years of suffering or so and it seems like it gets washed away pretty quickly.

I've said it before but I really do dig deep character moments and drawn-out stories that are filled to the brim with their words, thoughts, and emotions. My entire interest in Hawke/Isabela is character driven and that's why I read it. Even though a Hawke from one story can differ from the next and in general Hawkes tend to be entirely based on personal preference, I think that your treatment of both characters was just fantastic.

Might be my favorite Isabela/Hawke story around and I really do want to read the sequel asap. A few weeks is a long time. I don't know if I did my thoughts justice in this review but I think that was the gist of it.
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