Reviews for Here to Fall
Guest chapter 51 . 8/10/2015
Still in love with this fic
crazy4r-k chapter 51 . 6/7/2014
Since this was the very last of Tyler and Allison I would have I've hoarded it until I couldn't wait any longer to read it and this lazy Saturday morning seemed like the perfect time. I've said it before in my reviews, but thank you, thank you, thank you for your beautiful words and the pictures you painted in my head of this amazing couple. It was such a treat to see a little glimpse into their future together. This will remain one of my favorite stories EVER.
Katfiallo chapter 51 . 5/12/2014
I absolutely love this story. Best welcome to the Riley's and remember me crossover I have read! As I was reading about Allison's past I couldn't stop thing about the song break the silence by Francois Mulder. Any way I love this fanfiction and am obsessed with Tyler and Allison.
cmb897 chapter 51 . 5/11/2014
This story is absolute perfection! Thank you for taking the time to write it, and for putting it on this site. Do you think you'll write any new stories in the future? Hope all is well. ]
Killingmesoftl2 chapter 51 . 5/10/2014
Awwwww! I cant even wrap my head around the fact, that this story is complete.
It has definitely become one of my all time favourites! Thank you so much for writing this incredibly beautiful story! I loved every little scene and to witness Tyler and Allison falling in love and helping each other to become amazing people. I will definitely reread this amazing fic from time to time!
I loved it all so much! 3
azilized chapter 51 . 5/9/2014
This story was so good! I can't thank you enough for writing this! You made us feel so much for them! Do you have other ideas for a new story? Will you update Gently through this broken sky? I really like the way you write! Thanks for everything you've made me feel!
laurafc1107 chapter 51 . 5/9/2014
"I am my own person, you know" this is my fave sentence in the whole chapter, because it summarizes perfectly the girl that Allison has become at this moment where you've chosen to end this story. She is so different from the Allison of the 1st chapter, and hearing this affirmation from her mouth gives me a lot of satisfaction.
I like that in this last chapter you use a sex scene to illustrate this change. I compare it to the sex scene in the first chapter. That girl didn't understand the concept of reciprocation, gratification and pleasure for herself during sex, and now she knows what she wants and is not afraid of taking it. And so in sex as well as in all other facets of her life.
I want to thank you for describing this scene from both povs. I think it was important to hear Tyler's thoughts about it, too, because for me it is also satisfying to read how conscious and proud he is about Allison's achievements. And also because it parallels the first chapter too, when we read Tyler's confusion about Allison's reaction (or lack of thereof).

It amazes me (in a good way) how different are the tones of both Tyler's pov in this chapter. The first half of the chapter is so fun. Tyler is really like a big kid, so helpless, and his thought processes make me laugh and evoke me feelings of tenderness. And in the second half, when he reflects on what Allison has done, his thoughts are like really mature, he sees the meaning and the magnitude of the action beyond the fact that they just have had amazing sex.
And you write so well these two "sides". I perceive the difference but at the same time both povs make sense to me when I read the chapter, they fit perfectly with the person that is Tyler, the Tyler that I have in my head. The merit is all yours, of course, because through all the 51 chapters of this story you have constructed two coherent characters with perfectly defined personalities (coherent with their origin in the movie to begin with, but also coherent in all the additions & evolution that you have created for them).

I'd also like to credit you for the talent for creating rich and suggestive scenes with just a few words. You just describe a situation in one or two sentences and I am able to imagine the entire scene as if you'd written a complete chapter about it. For example, the whole moving thing. I swear I picture in my head the incident with the coffee table and the elevator with dialogues included (of course, I don't have the talent to write good dialogues, but you know what I mean). Same goes for Tyler's mom daily visits to Allison. I have no problem imagining her going there and looking after Allison, their interaction...
It's like I've read these scenes with all the details. You use only a few lines, but write it in a way that they don't feel like "missing scenes" to me, to me they really feel like complete scenes. Don't know if I'm making much sense.

And I love the final sentence. It's about so much more than a breakfast. It applies to their new whole life, it's an ending that it's a beginning. Perfect last words for this story. (Although I really, really hope we can read more about these two!)

Forever grateful to you for writing and sharing this story with us.
bloodorange87 chapter 51 . 5/9/2014
Oh how I am going to miss these two. Loved the epilogue. And the whole story.
AmyRoza chapter 51 . 5/9/2014
brought tears :') can't believe this hell of an amazing story kind of ended. I mean they just started it so its just the beginning :)
just one question! will you write more? PLEASE!I LOVE your writing!
I wanted more chapters of Here to Fall. But I LOVED this epilogue. Its perfect for them. It says what their future wud say. Its just what they will be like. A cute weird perfect fuckin couple. they are REAL! *HUGS* for this update! Will you write more about them? btw whats Allyson doin now? I love her cooking.. so is she gonna be a cook? she loved to cook right? Its better than bar tending.
Please let us know :') LOVE LOVE LOVED LOVED IT!
rainkissedleaf chapter 51 . 5/8/2014
I was so super-excited to see the update notification in my inbox today. I love, love, love this story so much! I've read so much fanfic over the years but this story is honestly my favourite. Your style of writing is brilliant. I don't think I've read a story where the two characters have felt this connected. I've followed it for so many years now that it's really sad to see that it's finished...I'll keep on wanting more. I would love to read some more about these two, especially a future take (please, pretty please!). Do you have any more stories out there besides GTTBS and this? I would love to read more of your work.
Thanks again for all of your hard work and effort in creating this and for sharing it with all of us. You truly are a talented writer. :)
Guest chapter 51 . 5/8/2014
That was wonderful. I've been reading this from the beginning and let me tell you - the end did not disappoint. Thank you so much. I know I'll be re-reading this in the future
eak1218 chapter 51 . 5/8/2014
Thanks for this sweet surprise. Feel free to give us needy readers more if your words whenever the mood strikes you ;) I missed these two and also your words! Thank you!
insanemum chapter 51 . 5/8/2014
And they lived happily ever after *skips off into the sunset* :)
Angie66 chapter 51 . 5/8/2014
So sad this story is now at the end. ...please write some more about them , How they are doing a few month and year later ? pretty please
SarahCK chapter 51 . 5/8/2014
What an awesome surprise. Thank you. I was so sad when this story ended, so this was a bonus. I would love more, either ongoing story or one shots. Specifically, another visit from Lois and Doug; and more interactions with Tyler's family. I assume not everyone in his family is fully aware or ok with Allison's history, so I think seeing them struggle through that would be interesting. But even if you close the book on this story, it was a great ride!
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