Reviews for What is Real?
Mentalcase50 chapter 2 . 8/25/2013
Cool! But it said the tentacle monster ripped Jared in half, but in the next paragraph he's alive.
Azith chapter 12 . 2/28/2013
I love how you balanced out his world with his reality, superjail really had the feel of a dream gone bad, with it's confusion and changing scenes. I'm really reminded of my own nightmares when they happen. You've done a fantastic job bringing us into his delusions just to turn us around to show us that it was all in his head and this is what reality truly is.

I love how you chose to portray this and explain everything, even his name fits just right. David. Yes, and how the other characters fit in like puzzle pieces is brilliant! I quite enjoy this fanfiction, and I really really really hope that it isn't discontinued or put on hiatus, because I'm yearning to read the next chapter and find out what happens to David.
To see if what trauma he witnessed or went through, and if he grows a bit closer to those who are trying to help him, emotionally. I hope that he can find a life line to keep him out of superjail for good, I mean Jill is a big start and I hope nothing bad happens to her.

Poor David, at least he cares enough for her that he'll take the pills to keep from harming her. That's just sweet. Oh and I'd like to compliment you on taking the other senses like smell into account for describing things for us. I quite enjoyed that! Particularly because not many make an effort to do so.

Oh dear... I just checked the updated slot.
Has it really been nearly two years? Time seems to fly like that doesn't it?
I remember some of my own work has suffered because I put it on the shelf and forgot about it, or lost interest.
I won't blame you if you have lost interest in updating this story, I mean such is the fate of all fandoms right?
But could I ask you for a favor?
If you do have no interest or plan in updating this marvelous story, could you let me know? Just so that I won't be forever waiting for an update that will never come? I'm not sure if this is rude or not, but it would be nice so I could settle into my own mind to figure out an ending for it and know it to be the ending.
You really have done a fantastic job on making this asylum feel true, I mean I've read miles of fanfiction and this is the best of this sort that I have ever found. You even use jargon and it sings!

thank you for writing this much of this story, I had a lot of fun and heart ache over the last few hours.
Because of you, my headcanon's have changed and the Warden has become a slightly deeper character for me.
I appreciate all your work you've done here.

Yomama chapter 12 . 1/26/2013
This is awesome need more need more musssssst haaave more
StarCandyChan chapter 12 . 10/2/2012
I'm also to lazy to log in.
It's just so...beautiful! I really want to find out what'll happen to Warden/David.

It's also really fluffy in a way.

I also love your writing style

Are ya looking forward to season 3 of Superjail? :3
Awesome chapter 1 . 9/9/2012
Im to lazy to log in right now so... i love your story!,its well written though i dislike the sex scence's ((but thats my opinon not anyone else's)) and i find this a bit emtional.

But anyway amazeing idea and hope you countinue!
Twinkel13 chapter 12 . 7/20/2011
this. is. brilliant!

love the awesome consept, love the awesome monologs, and the sex scenes were.. well, as sexy as it could get when you're imagening it in SJ style XD

But most of all I love the consept and I'm really looking forward to the future chapters

glunkus chapter 12 . 7/5/2011
Gah! Why must you tempt me so! Months between updates, it makes my heart ache!

This story is so deathly good, it's gonna kill me, and it'll be so worth it.

I can't wait for Chapter 13. :3
ExtremePwnage15 chapter 12 . 6/20/2011
This story is absolutely fantastic! I'm honestly hoping you continue this. It's so well written and well thought out compared to many other Superjail fics, so thank you!

...I also think your story has me warming up to WardenXJared...oh goodness.

Keep up the excellent work, and I just love the whole concept of Superjail only being inside David's head.
Meoata chapter 12 . 6/20/2011
This story is a rare case: it's interesting. I hope you write more.
Ginny chapter 12 . 6/18/2011
I have to say, I came into this a bit apprehensive but This exceeded my expectations by a whole multiverse or two. I didn't think I could love superjail more than I did, but you proved me wrong. You turned my awesometastical love for superjail into a twisted fantasy of insanity and steaming hot romance3. I think... I'm in love with you. And I thank you for doing this much of an awesome story even if you don't continue it.

(But I would love you even more if you did3)
Replica of Twilight chapter 12 . 6/16/2011
Wow, this story totally rocks! Please continue! :)
WonkaWarden chapter 12 . 6/16/2011
:D ZOMG please please please continue with this story! I really really like it! It's just so interesting!
Anonymous Superjail Fan. P chapter 11 . 6/5/2011
Zomg! I read this on DA and thought it was amazing! Figured I'd shoot it a review on ff.n, so here it is! Great story, awesome plot, and awesome depiction of the Warden's character. :D Why I'd go so far to say it's the best fanfiction I've read this side of Dimension 56-12. :D
glunkus chapter 11 . 6/4/2011
Oh lord I would do so many things for you for an update.

This story is so amazing, and it makes such intense sense, as though there's a real person going through all of these events, and you've just been copying them down. It's almost too real. Though, I love it immensely. (:

I cannot wait for an update (if you make one), honestly.
TheCau chapter 11 . 5/20/2011

Normally, I'm rather squeamish about the whole Jared/Warden pairing, but I'm more than willing to make an exception on the behalf of this fic.

You, my prodigious writer, are incredibly gifted to make a steadfast person like myself make exceptions to my rules. I will hold you in my utmost highest esteem forevermore as an irrefutably extraordinary crafter of high-quality fanfiction. You're amazing! C:

I'll be waiting with bated breath for the next chapter. w
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