Reviews for Inevitable: The Last Night Together
mancpotter chapter 1 . 8/21/2011
I liked the story alot ash. I like the introspection that he does on his own relationship with Katniss, the looking back at the times when they were young gave me a good sense of his longing for her after all these years. U did a good job at protraying the angst he feels about being frusttrated by the fact that he's stuck between Gale and Katniss, almost like there is a foreboding tone to his thoughts. Also i gotta add that part about them both getting reaped which he secretly actually didn't mind even in the face of certain death in the Games, shows that his love is kind of maniacal and he's blinded by it.

Keep up the good work :) my american friend
lacrossefreak100 chapter 1 . 5/27/2011
That's so sweet! Good story!
The Ice Within chapter 1 . 4/13/2011
WONDERFUL! there's nothing else to say, really. this is just plain perfect!
LadyFlick chapter 1 . 4/6/2011
absolutely beautiful and breath-taking. peeta's thoughts are poetic and brilliant, and you capture his adoration for katniss flawlessly! i loved it c:
TacoBelle chapter 1 . 4/6/2011
Really good! You are an amazing writer and I love all of your stories! D
LadyMahfuza chapter 1 . 4/5/2011
This is extremely good! You've captured Peeta's emotions perfectly. I love this, alot.
tessarunie chapter 1 . 4/5/2011
awwwwwwwwwww. that was SOO cute! you do peeta perfectly. i totally loved it!
QueenCobraWing chapter 1 . 4/5/2011
You are an excellent writer. And it feels like you know the characters so well.
Elvirina chapter 1 . 4/5/2011
Hey there

this was very Well written and so lovely. This is how i imagine Peeta if i Got to have a peak inside his head.

Thank you for that and keep up the good work.
i'vedisabledmyaccount chapter 1 . 4/5/2011
Awww :) I love it! I love that you did a Peeta thoughts kinda thing. Very good! You're very good with words, I wish I could make it flow as well as you do. Great job :)
TheMockingjay111 chapter 1 . 4/5/2011
AAW SO FRIGGIN ROMANTIC! soo cute it made me wanna cry jelous tears cause i'll prob. never find someone as good as peeta!