Reviews for Hatred is for the Weak
anway333 chapter 33 . 10/20/2018
Love this story!
Was very unsure when I read the summary (the summary was spot on just not sure I liked th idea Remy still being married) you did them justice! Very happy.
You should write a one-shot of Logan putting through the danger room! And maybe Jackie too. Would be fun.
Star-of-Chaos chapter 33 . 7/20/2016
I was debating on whether to read this story or not, as the whole idea of Remy being that much older than Rogue AND being married AND having a daughter Rogue's age just had me going 'I don't know...'. BUT I'm really glad I did. This was an awesome story.
danielemlac chapter 1 . 2/28/2016
amoooo suas histórias! Amo Romy com final feliz, é o que tem que ser afinal (risos)
Guest chapter 33 . 1/20/2016
I love this story Omg couldn't stop reading!
laenamoradadeROGUE chapter 33 . 12/24/2014
I know i started this story way back, read maybe 5 chapters a long time ago. Im just glad i found it again and finished it. I absolutely loved it.
Youre really good.

Thanks, la
WWMTgirl chapter 5 . 5/3/2014
Well, here I'm proved wrong. Lou was handled really well!
Daffodil Emerson chapter 33 . 12/6/2013
OMG! I LOVED YOUR STORY SO MUCH! I HOPE YOU HAVE MORE STORY'S AS WELL AS THIS ONE! p.s, My caps are fine, just so excited! (Not that way Gambit) I really did love your story though:D
TheValkyrie9 chapter 14 . 9/28/2013
Never thought I'd be the type to request stuff...but...I'd love to see a Jackie-centric story. She's awesome!
TwilightSnowStar chapter 33 . 6/9/2013
Congratulations, I just spent the last two days obsessed with this story. I'm a serious Jane Eyre fan, and intentional or not, I noticed a lot of parallels with your story and that one, but this was still unique. Now that I'm reviewing this, I feel I should mention that I love your stories. I'll be honest, most of my x-men knowledge is from the movies (which I'm now seeing are very different from other versions). As such, my entire experience with Romy is almost entirely through fanfiction, which I stumbled on by accident and am now hooked on. I have you to partially thank for that. "The Kissing Booth" is one of my favorites and I feel the characterization is perfect. I like how you characterize Remy, since I don't have much to compare it to, but it seems natural. Sure, I've watched EVO like most others when it played when I was younger and and I could always kind of see Remy and Rogue being cute, but it never really translated in the show, so I didn't fully think about it until I found this fandom, started reading some stuff (a lot of yours actually) and thought, "Hey, it does work, doesn't it?" So thanks for that. Also, I have a bit of a question. You've written a lot of stories, and I think they're all or almost all complete. How do you do it? I have such a hard time finishing stories. I have an ending in mind, but I just can't seem to translate that. I love Oneshots and am working on trying to finish others in fandoms I've kind of grown out of but am still fond of *cough* Twilight *cough* mostly out of guilt. Any tips for how I could do that/constructive criticism would be much appreciated. You're busy, though, I get that, so don't worry about it, and I'll just finish this by saying that you're awesome.
Beeky20 chapter 22 . 2/20/2013
Oh my god...the last scene there...
*can't...stop laughing*
Suze Nora chapter 33 . 11/14/2012
Reviews are for the weak. No, i'm just kidding :) love the story. it was a pity Julian had to die-he and belle were pretty close.
IrisAyame chapter 33 . 10/20/2012
I enjoyed reading your story. Your Gambit and Rogue were really unique : their complex personalities, Gambit's traumatism, Jackie's way of life etc.
All in all, I had no problems adapting to your vision of my preferred X-men, even if a Gambit who likes spanking was disturbing!
I must also say that I never suspected about the cure being a placebo! Well done!

Thanks for having written and shared this story!

AuthorColorCoated chapter 33 . 9/18/2012
Have I ever mentioned how much I adore this story? Because I do! I spent most of yesterday re-reading it (probably when I should've been working... Oops), and I just enjoyed it so much! Jackie is such a well rounded character and makes the whole thing great fun. I just love it.
ArodLoverus2001 chapter 33 . 9/17/2012
Great story!
JessieJess26 chapter 33 . 8/26/2012
Awesome story! This just proves that Remy Lebeau is a man worth having in your life, no matter how old he is! And can I just say that I will never look a whipped cream the same again. (Loved that part!) Jackie was an amazing character in this story. She kind of tied everyone together in a way.

Just perfect!
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