Reviews for Pickups
vagrantastronaut chapter 1 . 1/20/2016
I really like this. Your expressions are elegant and the flow of your story is natural. You didn't even have to use dialogue. Well done Ballades :)
Zophiel Lagace chapter 1 . 1/9/2013
I like a lot when Mitsui starts wondering if he has ever looked as good as Sendoh That was just sweet. I wish your story were longer, I had a great time with this chapter.
Kaiser Washington chapter 1 . 5/17/2011
Not my type of fic, but I'll have to say, this is well written. I wouldn't have thought it possible to portray Mitsui as insecure about his appearance. It's almost as if Mitsui's in love with Sendoh the abstraction - not Sendoh the person. The vanity is strangely fitting. That's about all I have to say. It was a short fic, but just long enough to do justice to the idea.

Just out of curiosity, does your pen name refer to Chopin's Ballades?
Mitsui-Sendo-luv7me chapter 1 . 4/30/2011
sen x mit squeals ..i love that pairing ...good job ..write more !
Laziness Incarnate chapter 1 . 4/28/2011
Wow! Love the patterning in this fic. Very effective.

Heh, basketball sure is homoerotic, isn't it?
Star7 chapter 1 . 4/9/2011
Lovely feel to this :) There are occasional sloppy or redundant bits ("gravity-defying spikes reaching up towards the sky (unnecessary)" "the new tan that's appeared (huh?)") but mostly its quite lovely.

A lot of potential packed into 400 words :) Thanks a lot for writing and sharing .