Reviews for The Survivor's Guide to Surviving the Infection
T- Virus Rose chapter 17 . 1/14
Man, I finally get around to reading your update and you didn't have to break my heart like this. ;_; Our poor, unlucky boys. I know you said this backstory was a long time coming and boy it hits hard, especially after "knowing" everyone for so long. I feel like the last couple of chapters have been like that, really. Sort of rocking what we thought about all of your characters. Glad to see you still around and hope you're still having as good a time writing this as I am reading it.
Lyova chapter 17 . 12/20/2019
Antonio is understandable. You know how fucking pissed I'd be if someone wounded my dog in any way, shape, or form?
Razell chapter 17 . 11/9/2019
A is for Angst

So much pain and loss... The Green Flu seems pretty close to an Extinction Level Event, assuming it spread beyond the Americas. So few survivors, so many dead. I remember reading somewhere that most children didn't survive the Flu itself, hence, no infected children in the series. (That, and it would look very bad having your characters slaughtering kids...) Their bodies were probably to weak to survive the physical changes and accompanying fevers and other symptoms. So very few left to carry on the next generation of humanity...

Such heartbreaking, and no doubt common, backstories for the boys.

Zachary clawing his own eyes out

Poor Ryan's dying of cancer, sitting by her bedside as his girlfriend gets turned into a common and he becomes a Smoker. Sitting in the convenience store, waiting for Mia to come back, without even remembering what he was waiting for...

And Antonio, poor, poor Toni. Losing his daughter to the flu, (at least she didn't turn, as I explained earlier), then his loyal dog getting shot (after being infected for some time). They've all suffered horribly.

I still feel sorry for that poor, nameless idiot that got himself killed right in front of Betha/Divine. He had no way of knowing that Toni was trying to communicate with him, and Miguel was attacking him...

Woe has befallen them all. Survivor, Infected, everyone. No one is untouched by tragedy.

Painful, but well-done. Kudos.
Sayuri-Yuuko chapter 17 . 11/7/2019
YEEEESSSSS BACKSTORIES! Omg I’ve been waiting for those! Super sad but nice to finally know what happened to the rest of the gang.
Vajirra chapter 17 . 11/7/2019
OMG, you're back! I'm happy you stuck with this, so happy. I don't have many 5 year-old fics updating and seeing this in my inbox gives me such a wonderful feeling.

It took me a second to get back into it, I had to remember the character's names again and conjure up the same feelings I had from the previous chapters. But I'm glad you went with this idea for this chapter. I feel as though it allowed me to be reintroduced to the cast, without added plot points and such. Thank you for that.

I'll be here when you update again!
Archmagos Kotov chapter 16 . 9/3/2018
A rather fascinating tale. Dont give up on us now, ive seen too many good fics die because the writers doubted themselves. You're doing a fine job.
pikachucat chapter 16 . 6/10/2018
T- Virus Rose chapter 16 . 5/20/2018
Dudeee I'm sorry it's been so long since I caught up! There's like a crap-ton of surprises rapid fire in just the past couple chapters alone, but for real, I think the biggest one was hearing Divine's "real" name. Like, so much has happened, but I honestly never thought we would, so it almost took me aback, haha.
Real talk you're totally right, and none of us actually have any obligation to update at certain times, or for whatever. Fanfic is such a labor of love, which is one of the things that makes it great to me, imo. We're all just a bunch of people with a lot of passion for our things, and if other people want to go along for that ride, that's fantastic! In any case though I'm still glad to see my old buddy around. :D
Obs3rv4nt-Onl00k3r chapter 16 . 5/6/2018
Kiki's Stories of Awesomeness chapter 16 . 5/3/2018
I've got to say... I still absolutely love this story! You have done such a good job, and I at least, as a fellow working adult, though younger since I'm only almost 2 years out of high school, understand real life is a thing. I hope to see the next chapter when it is good and ready to be posted, cause this is amazing
Razell chapter 16 . 4/25/2018
So, they're keeping an Infected as well? Jeff, I presume? Then hopefully they won't complain too much, though I doubt Harmony will be happy when she finds a strange Hunter playing with her daughter.

Sometimes it takes years, I agree. It's hard work, and authors have lives outside of the computer. Sadly, some people don't seem to care, but most do. You'll finish when you're ready, when the story's ready. That's best for the author and the readers.
Snazzy Suit chapter 16 . 4/24/2018
Oh wow! I forgot all about this little gem of a story! I'm probably gonna have to go back and re-read this to refresh my memory. It's nice to see some Left 4 Dead content again. :

Oooooo I'm excited to see where this is going. What's up with our girl Divine? Will she and her group be accepted? I look forward to the next installment!

Thanks for sharing!
Brumalis chapter 16 . 4/24/2018
Wow, I am so happy that you updated! Thank you!
I love Divine and what is happening to her is very interesting. Zachary is cute too.
Chunger chapter 15 . 6/4/2017
Can't wait for the next chapter. If there is a next chapter
Eli Clark chapter 15 . 2/17/2017
So she wasn't immune, she looks like a Witch, but is she a Witch or is it the effect of being alone for so long?
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