Reviews for Showers
lipamo chapter 1 . 1/19/2014
okay i can eaily have more of these images: damian/charlie dripping wet, barely clothed in ths wonderful little awkward moment when he opens the door to a stunned dani/sarah.
soooo good.
HannahbananaJane chapter 1 . 12/28/2012
I just found this show. Still have 5 episodes to watch of the second episode, but I wanted to read some fanfiction.
This story is good. Like really, really good. I'm so glad you've written a lot of Life fanfic, because I know all those stories will be great, stories that everyone enjoys reading.
I'll be reading more of your stories soon!
Hannahbanana Jane :)
wrytingtyme chapter 1 . 4/3/2012
there were only two seasons of life... and I didn't get see nearly all I wanted to of Crews and Reese and Co. Loved this one shot, wanted to tell you so.
someone chapter 1 . 7/12/2011
I love this story!

But i think you mean meditating, not mediating.
kanbukai chapter 1 . 4/12/2011
Life is one of the best shows that carried a perfect balance of humor (zen), style (cinematography) and weight (drama). I cursed million times since it got cancelled and not picked up by other networks. Then here you are, mending the broken heart of a die-hard fan like me.

Your Crews and Reese are always as original and natural as their creators. I love drama but some sexy mushiness of Crews and Reese is never enough. I mean, come on, Damian Lewis and Sarah Shahi!

I know new fics are coming up though is yet publishing them yet...
mostlybooks chapter 1 . 4/12/2011
Cute! I like it!

This seems like a one-shot to me, but honestly, I look forward to anything you choose to write about Crews and Reese. :-)
cologne chapter 1 . 4/12/2011
awesome. great one-shot, but maybe there is a story that leads to that moment?

keep writing
Redlioness62 chapter 1 . 4/12/2011
You know and I know that this needs to have a couple more chapters, :-) (please). You capture them so wonderfully! Thank you!